Love You Still ≫ Honeyfern x Depressed! Female! Reader (PLATONIC)

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N)..." Honeyfern whispered, tears forming in her blue eyes.

"Oh, for StarClan's sake!" You snarled, abruptly sitting up, ignoring the painful popping and bending of your sore joints. "Just say it, why don't you!? You hate having to look after me! You wish I was dead or something! I'm a burden to you, and you won't even admit it? Why won't you just admit it!?" Your voice rose into an agonized scream, all the misery and frustration of the past few moons finally bursting out of your throat like a parasite. Your breathing hitched painfully, and your chest seemed to clamp tightly around your heart, threatening to crush it. You began to cough and gag, struggling violently for any sort of oxygen you could get into your lungs. Honeyfern's eyes flew wide open in horrified shock, and she immediately threw herself against you and pulled you into a tight embrace.

"It's okay, (Y/N). It's okay... Shhh, shhh..." Her words bounced uselessly off your ears, due to the fact that you couldn't hear anything over the sound of the blood rushing painfully through your veins. Your hyperventilating continued, growing more irate. Honeyfern pushed herself away from you, lifting your chin with her paw and looking into your eyes. "(Y/N), I need you to breathe. Just look at me and breathe, okay? Breathe. Inhale and feel the air filling your lungs, then let it all out. Nice and slow." You inhaled sharply, a high-pitched gasp sounding in your throat. "Slow," Honeyfern reminded you, resting her paw on top of yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Don't hyperventilate, (Y/N). Go to your happy place."
You wanted to scream. You didn't know how to find your happy place. But, you figured as you closed your eyes and tried to breathe. It couldn't hurt to try and find it.

With a shuddering sigh, you let your mind wander and found yourself standing in a wide-open meadow dotted with wildflowers of every color you could possibly imagine. Reds, blues, yellows, purples, golds, and a million other beautiful shades dotted the breathtaking landscape. As you stood on the top of the hill overlooking the grassland, a gentle breeze picked up, rippling through your fur in the most soothing way imaginable. You took a deep breath, drinking in all the wonderful scents. You could smell all sorts of prey, fresh water, and... Honeyfern?

Your gaze traveled over to the spot next to you, where your best friend stood. She smiled at you when you met her gaze, her signature contagious laugh echoing around the meadow. "Our favorite spot," She purred. "We've had a lot of good times here."

"We have," You meowed happily. "I can't even remember how many times we've laughed until we cried out here." You paused, a bittersweet feeling clenching your heart like loving fangs. "I can't believe how lucky I am."

Honeyfern blinked, tilting her head off to one side. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I can't believe I was lucky enough to find you," You replied, tears beginning to brim in the corners of your eyes. "You're my best friend, Honeyfern. I would be all alone without you."

Honeyfern smiled softly, then took a slow step forward and pressed her nose gently against yours. "You will never be alone, (Y/N)," She whispered, her voice overflowing with love and sincerity. "I will always be by your side, and I will always love you."

You opened your eyes, your tear-filled gaze slowly resting on your best friend, who was still watching you with tears in her bright blue eyes. "Honeyfern, I—"

"Don't say a word," She whispered, leaning down and resting her chin on your neck. "You're my whole world, (Y/N). I don't care if you're sad, happy, angry, or miserable. I still love you, and that will never, ever change."

"Okay," You whispered painfully, an array of different emotions thickening your voice like mud. "Okay." You couldn't think of anything else to say. You knew Honeyfern loved you, but you never could've imagined that you meant that much to her. You had always seen yourself as a sorry burden of a cat.
As if reading your mind, Honeyfern's embrace tightened and she pulled you closer to her body. You closed your eyes as your head rested on her chest, the sound of her soft heartbeat calming you down.

"I know I'm not always the perfect friend," She whispered. "but I'll always look out for you, (Y/N). I can't promise I'll be able to fix you completely, but I will help you in any way I possibly can. You're absolutely perfect in my eyes, and I need you to understand that. There's not a single cat in this entire forest I would rather have by my side." You nodded feebly, burying your face deeper into her chest. You knew her words were genuine— she had never lied to you once.

"I promise I'll never take any of the time you need," You whispered. "I'm just so grateful to have you as my friend..." You started to cry again, but softer this time. Honeyfern began gently rasping her tongue over your ears, a fond purr rippling from her chest.

"You never have to worry about that, (Y/N). There's nothing I would rather do with my time than help you and be with you. All I've ever wanted is to be by your side and love you. I promise that I won't ever take up too much of your time. I just ask that we take the time to stay as close as we are now."

You smiled. "I think we'll always be close, Honeyfern. Clearly there's no getting rid of you." You both laughed, a welcome sound after all the sobbing and screaming.

"Fortunately for you," Honeyfern purred, her voice laced with affection— "I'm not going anywhere. How does that makes you feel?"

You leaned into her embrace, snuggling against her chest. "I like the sound of that."

She purred and and licked your ears. "Good." She stayed next to you for a moment longer, then rose to her paws and helped you stand up. "Do you want to go for a walk? We haven't been to the meadow in awhile."

You grinned, licking her cheek. "I would like that very much."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" She meowed, bouncing excitedly. "Come on!" She darted outside, and you watched her go with a smile on your face. She truly was your everything.

"Thank you Honeyfern," You whispered. "I'd be lost without you." Then, you bounded after her.


"A friend is someone who helps you up when you're down, and if they can't, they lay down beside you and listen."
~ Winnie The Pooh

Pinestripe, I hope this one-shot met your expectations and made your day a little bit better. That's all I want to do in life is make others happy!

If you have a one-shot you'd like to see, please send it to me if requests are open! I love doing requests for you guys!

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