I like him

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Beomgyu was having a breakdown in the washroom.

'HE MUST'VE GOTTEN SCARED, DID I SCARE HIM ?....how do i go outside now ?? I'm sure he hates me now'

On the other hand taehyun was lost in his thoughts, he called hyuka.


th: huening-ah

hk: what ? did you finally realise that you like beomgyu hyung and you want to cuddle him, hug him and kiss him and never wanna let go

th: what the fuck ???

hk: oh so you didn't realise it yet

th: will you listen to me now ?

hk: *sigh* fine

th: how do you know if you like someone ?

hk: fckin finally

th: NOT AGAIN !! just answer me !!

hk: so....it feels really different...you are happier when they're around you, you want to be with them more, sometimes you really wanna kiss them, you start having butterflies when they look at you, it just feels different, like you're not your old self, but someone better because of that person and you don't realise that for a long time...you just keep denying your feelings...

th: woaa, you have experience ??

hk: no...hihihi...this is something i observed from all the people whom I've given advice to

th: woah...well...thank you that's all i wanted to ask

hk: yaa kang taehyun, you-

*Taehyun hung up*


Hyuka was frustrated because Taehyun is always like that, but he knew that taehyun was getting there slowly...and he knew they were making progress.

Beomgyu gathered all his courage and stepped out of the washroom, he went to the kitchen to check up on taehyun.

"Yaaa kang taehyun, the meat will burn, stop using your phone"

"oh sorry hyung, i got distracted"

Both of them took a seat and started eating.

bg: "mmmm it's really tasty, are you a professional ??"

th: "you like it ?"

bg: "I love it... it's really good"

th: "thank you"

Beomgyu was eating with a cute pout on his lips and eyes all sparkly. Taehyun looked at the older and adored him.

'how can someone look so cute while eating'

bg: "i won't be able to eat if you keep staring at me"

th: "i...i wasn't staring at you...i was just lost"

bg: "right..." (you don't like me)

Both of them ate in silence. Taehyun threw all the covers and boxes that were left while Beomgyu washed the dishes.

th: "I'll be sleeping now"

bg: "ok, you can ask me if you need anything ok ?"

th: "ok hyung*

The only thought is 'you'Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang