Koi Sense Hai Iss Baat Ki?

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As much as she hated it, she trusted Alvin, even with her life. Her dad? Not so much, especially after seeing Alvin's expression when she had mentioned his name not so long ago. His expression was of pure hatred, and Amy had the sinking feeling that it was related to their mother.

The underground travelling thing the three strangers had done, tagging her along? It was bad... just bad. Amy couldn't breathe, and the middle dude hadn't mentioned anything about suffocation.

After a really long 26 seconds that felt like a whole 10 minutes, they finally popped out of the ground.

"Finally...", Amy grumbled under her breath. Whereas the middle dude just gave her a huge eye-roll and croaked, "You'll get used to it. It's quite a pain at first, especially after phasing, but it is a vital skill the Earthen Elementals have. Great for surviving in battle."

"Earthen Elementals?", she repeated, confused.

"Oh, so don't know.", the left dude spoke up, not exactly dude because she was a women as Amy had figured out from her voice, but Amy didn't really care at the moment. So left dude it was.

"Well, looks like you are in for orientation. Good luck.", the left dude added, clearly amused.

Amy was about to inquire ahead but decided against it. She looked around, only to see that they were at another abandoned construction site. There was an elevator in the half-finished and abandoned building, which also happened to be the place they were heading towards.

"Guys, can you at least tell me where are we heading to?" , Amy asked, annoyed.
'Cause I am feeling really pissed off right now.", she added, just in case it wasn't clear by her tone when she asked the question.

"I am liking this girl more and more now.", left dude said. Not sarcastically though.
Amy just huffed in response, she wasn't going to get any answers from these two, and the right dude simply won't let any noise escape his/her mouth, let alone answers.

They had been in the elevator for 6 minutes and 31 seconds, and it and according to the monitor, they had traveled only three floors.

"Is it just me or is the elevator moving really slow? I mean we have traveled just four floors in 4 minutes and 32 seconds!", Amy complained.

"It's 31 seconds actually.", left dude stated in a 'duh' tone, to which Amy responded with a growl.

She could literally hear left dude smirking. Just to get back at her, Amy traced her finger over left dude's gloved hand and pressed sharply at a sensitive nerve ending.

Left dude gasped in pain, "What the heck was that for?", she exclaimed as she felt her hand going numb for a moment, the sensations still zipping across her hand, making her extremely uncomfortable.

It was Amy's turn to smirk, "Sorry.", Amy said in mock apology.

Left dude glared at Amy, while middle dude stared at her in awe. At this moment, right dude finally spoke up. Revealing that right dude too, was a woman.

"Enough blabbering, the two of you! Seriously Gicela, I expected more from such a high ranking officer like you.", Right dude said, disappointment dripping from her words.

"And Amy, the Earthen clan values discipline immensely. As much as the others will enjoy your sass, control your tongue whenever in the company of elders, professionals, and officers. As for your question, we are in the Elemental Academy at the moment, the main building to be precise, it has five main floors, each 60 feet tall, with five sub-floors on each main floor. The main fifth floor has the headmistress' office, the teacher's quarters on the sub-floors above. We are taking you to the headmistress' office for further discussion about your grade, dormitory, and a brief explanation of the Elementals by headmistress herself. Bless you, you will not have to attend the orientation.", Right dude said calmly. Surprisingly, all in one breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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