Chapter 11

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Meah POV
At the mall

"So how's it going with you and Chris?" I ask slurping my smoothie

"Well... I move out. I'm living with my cousin until I find a place of my own"

"I would say come and stay with me but I be having a lot going on"

"Oh yeah? You need to update me on some things girl"

"You sure you want me to do that" I smirk

"Yeah why not? I haven't talk to you in weeks, you be hanging with new people nowadays" she said

"It's not like that, I have a boo I be fucking on the low"

"Girl... I'm missing everything"

"Yes you are...." I wink

"Who's the new boo?"

"I'm not gonna tell right now" I take another sip of my drink

"Is it that serious?" She giggle

"Not really, to me it isn't, for the other person? They'll probably pass out"

"I'm confuse" she said arching her brow smiling "don't tell me you steal somebody man"

"Man... women. Who knows"

"Well anyway Chile, I ain't gonna rush you"

"Yeah don't do that..... so tell me about you and Chris"

"We had a huge fight, I couldn't take him putting his hands on me, so I walk in the rain until I could find somewhere safe andddd


"And Tionne stop her car for me, I was kind of embarrass by it, but she didn't make me feel uncomfortable.


The more she talk about Ti... I be wanting to say my story too

"She take me by her house, and you know comfort me somewhere, in a way to make me feel relax" she smile to herself like she's reminiscing

"She did the same for me too" I said smirking

Her eyes grow big

"Oh really? Ummm...... I'm lost"

"There's nothing to be lost about, she did the same for me when I get kick out"

She give me a look like I wasn't serious, but I be living a good life with a bad girl

"Why you never tell me this? I thought me and you suppose to be close" she arch her brow

"I mean we're not that close anymore, but you know I'll always be here"

"Meah?" She scoff "you seriously fucking with her?"

"I didn't want to say it like that, but since we're talking about it, yes I'm fucking her"

My words hurt her, it was written all over her face, I didn't mean to do it this way but it had to be known

"I'm not surprise by you; I don't even know why I still choose to fuck with you after you tell Chris some bullshit"

"I didn't tell him bullshit, you didn't sleep by me, you sleep over at ya girl house" I shrug

"Girl, I am done with you" she got up getting upset

"Why you mad tho, just relax"

"Relax? If you know you be fucking with her, why not tell me something so I could be aware"

"Rozonda ..... girlll.. you have a serious thing for this girl, since high school, you really think I was gonna rain on ya stupid parade"

"Your fucking sick!" She slam her plate of fries down

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