Chapter 9

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I had to escape everything that was happening to me. I decided to go for a walk, in the rain. I walk the street scared not knowing if he would come looking for me and kill me

My face had a bruise, and my lip was busted. I believe things would happen to relieve a person true color, I never knew Chris would ever put his hands on me, but he did and that's something I was afraid of, because he looked so angry, really angry

Multiple cars stopped and ask me if I needed a ride home but I turn all of them down I just needed to walk and figure out what I was going to do.

Another car slow down behind me shining their lights making me feel scared and uncomfortable. I speed walk but they still followed me, I was thinking in the back of my mind that could be him, but it wasn't

"Hey! Rozonda??" The person call out for me but I still ignored then I stop recognizing the voice


I turn around with a wet nasty face

"Shit... what happen?" Tionne said hopping out her car walking towards me getting wet from the rain

"It's nothing" I put my face down trying to hide it

I was sooo embarrass she have to see me this way. She move my hands away from my face trying to look at me

"Hey, look at me" she finally move my hands looking at me

My heart sink looking at her beautiful face, someone so sexy and who I adore deeply had to see me this way

"Get in the car" she take off her jacket throwing it over me walking me to the car, she put me in the front seat closing the door, then jogging back over to driver side

She got in the car breathing out loud

"Whew! The rain is really cold"  she look at me with concern in her eyes

"Rozonda what's the matter?  What happened??"

"Me and my supposedly boyfriend got into"

"He put his hands on you??? Punk ass Chris??" She ask with an eyebrow raise

I put my head down feeling shame

"Yes" I mumbled "he didn't like the idea of me going out and I think someone told him I was out with you"

"Nahh... this have to be a joke, you can't be living like that, your to beautiful for this" she rub my face with her hand looking at the road then looking at me

I didn't had anything to say. She was right I don't suppose to be living like this. Although I followed in Meah footsteps I would understand his anger but that still doesn't give him a right to put his hands on me

"I never know him to be a man to put his hands on a women or me" I said in a low tone

"Where you live again?" She ask me slowing down

"3 blocks away from here"

Direct me there


"Please just direct me there"

"No that's not a good idea, I'll be fine"

"Well you can't go back there to that abuse, if he can do it once he can do it again"

Sigh... "I'll just stay over at Meah house for the night"

"By Meah???" Her eyes widen

"Yeah by Meah, i have no choice"

"Ummm... she cleared her throat.. you can stay over by me, I have a guess room you can stay in, I'll make sure you get the necessities" she said biting down on her lips looking at the road

"No you don't have too, I can really stay by Meah"

"I think you should stay by me, no really I want you too, where you can feel more comfortable" she look back at the road away from me

I took a breath in before giving in .. "Ok sure, I will"

1 hour later

Sitting in her living room feeling refreshed after taking a shower and getting warm in some of her clothes. She sit in the front of me caressing my face whiles dapping my lip with a tissue getting the dry blood off

"Your way to beautiful to be going through this" she whisper still focusing on my lips

"Hmph? What you think?" She ask looking me in the eyes with a serious look

Ohhh goshhh why this women had to be so sexy and beautiful all at once. I couldn't help but get hypnotize by her sweet almond eyes

"Yeah" I said with a scratchy voice I couldn't get my words out how nervous I still was being around her

She got up and lean over me , still caressing my face "you deserve better" she whisper in my ear keeping her mouth there for a few seconds "so let me give you better"

My heart rate went up just by the feeling of her warm breath against my neck

"Yes you can"

Shit! Did I just say that?? Get it together Rozonda

She kiss me on my neck unexpectedly gripping the back of head lightly

"You sure?" She ask moving herself from me "because I could really become a problem in a good and bad way"

"What you mean?" I ask looking at her

She smirk "come find out"

GoodGirl Gone Bad जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें