I shake my head and swallow the lump in my throat. Walking past him into the guest bedroom, I open a drawer and pull out clothes for him. I turn around and he is right behind me with a smirk resting upon his lips.

I clear my throat. "Here. When we get there, don't tell them anything. Stefan is getting the journal right now and they will plan to get the grimoire without you."

"Alrighty. Sounds like a plan."

I walk out and stay in the living room until he's fully dressed and walks out.

We head over to the Gilbert's house and help make dinner with Jenna.

Damon is standing in the kitchen, cutting up vegetables for the sauce. He's talking to Jenna while me and her are sitting on the counter, each with a glass of wine.

"My father never approved of anyone I dated. Which only made me want them more, of course. What about you?"

"There were a few guys. Logan isn't the only loser I've dated."

"They ever find him? Or is he still missing?" I send him a look to shut up.

"He's not missing. He's in the Bahamas working on his tan. Very entitled, that one. Marches to his own drum." She tilts her head back and let's the rest of her wine go into her mouth. I giggle and pour her another glass. "He's foul. They're all snooty."

Damon smiles and looks down before he turns around. "Hello Elena."

Elena makes herself known, walking into the room looking confused.

Jenna perks up. "Hey. Where have you been? We're cooking dinner."

"Correction: Damon's cooking dinner. Jenna and I are drinking and watching." Jenna smiles at me.

"Is Stefan with you?" Damon and I turn to her to see her answer.

"Um, he'll be here soon." She gives him a look and he smirks, getting back to work.

Jenna and I get a little tipsy and giggle, conversing with each other while Damon and Elena just stare at each other. We move to the couch while Damon finishes up and Elena brings out plates.

We talk with each other, ignoring them until something he says catches my attention. I look towards the kitchen, eavesdropping while Jenna pours herself another glass.

"Is it real?" I hear him ask.

She sighs. "Is what real?"

"This renewed sense of brotherhood. Can I trust him?" He looks back at her.

"Yes you can trust him." She gets back to work.

He looks at me with vulnerability in his eyes. I shake my head with a sad expression and he sighs.

He speeds up to her and looks her in the eyes. "Can I trust him?" He says seriously.

"I'm wearing vervain, Damon. It's not going to work." I roll my eyes.

"I'm not compelling you." He looks at her like that is the stupidest thing he's ever heard. "I just want you to answer me. Honestly."

"Of course you can." I scoff.

I turn back to Jenna and keep talking to her.

"Soooo, you and Alaric huh? He's hot."

She blushes. "Yeah, I like him."

"Awww." She pushes my shoulder and we laugh.

Elena, Jenna, and I are in the kitchen while Jeremy and Damon are playing video games. Jeremy's phone rings but he declines the call.

"Who are you dodging?"

"This girl Anna. She can be, uh, persistent." I start to walk over.

"Is she hot?" Damon asks.

"Yeah, yeah, but she can be weird."

Damon scoffs and looks me dead in the eyes. "Hot trumps weird, trust me." He says with a smirk.

I swatt the back of his head. "Hey!" The boys laugh. "I am not weird."

"Yeah, okay." He says sarcastically.

The doorbell rings and both Stefan and Elena go to get it. I replace Damon on the couch and play with Jeremy.

"If you like her, that's okay. Just be careful. She's old."

"You're okay with it." He looks at me.

"Yeah, as long as you are happy." The three, who were outside, come back into the living room.

Damon sits on the arm of the couch.

"So. I heard you found a really cool journal from back in the day. Who else did you show it to?"


"Don't ask questions, just spill." I look at him weirdly. We already found the grimoire, why is he so persistent?

Jeremy chuckles. "You're kidding me right?"

"Jer, did you tell anyone other than Mr. Saltzman about Jonathan Gilbert's journal?"

"Why is everyone so obsessed with that thing?"

"Who else did you tell?"

"Just that girl Anna."

"The hot weird one?"

"Yeah." He nods.

"Wait, who is Anna?" Stefan interjects.

"That's what I want to find out. How do you know her?"

"I just know her. She wants me to meet her at the grill tonight."

"Perfect, I'll drive." He stands up.

"You're my ride too ya know? Drop me off at my place on the way." He nods and pulls me into him, his arm around my shoulder.

He drives me to my place and I get settled into bed after changing into my pjs. I read my book and take a sip of blood from a mug.

After a while I get a knock on my door

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

After a while I get a knock on my door. I stand up and walk over, opening to reveal an upset Damon.

"You were right, they went without me."

I pull him into a hug and close the door.

"So you want to spend the night here?" He nods.

I pull him into my room and he undresses, getting into bed. He places his head on my chest and I run my fingers through his hair as I continue reading my book.

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