Chapter (5/5): Words to be Said

Start from the beginning

"Well... i heard Goh say something about wanting to catch a pokemon while you and Chloe are still in Lilycove, and Chloe went with him in case he got into trouble", she explained. "Oh and as for May and Lisia. May also went with them while Lisia said she'll handle reporter questions"

What everything Serena said was a lie. In reality, the four of them were currently hiding in the bushes behind the bench Ash and Serena were currently sitting on and listening on their conversation.

The ruckus coming from the bushes was an obvious red flag. But before Serena got here, Ash shrugged it off thinking it was wild pokemon minding their own business, same with Pikachu.

"Makes sense, Goh is working up his way to catching every kind of pokemon to work up his way to Mew"

"Wow, what a goal"

"I know, right"

The two of them continued to talk for awhile about various things like what they're currently up to, and a few things on what they each did after Kalos. Serena was surprised to learn Ash is the first ever champion of Alola and Ash praised her for almost winning the Grand Festival. 

And it was still unknown to them that Goh, Chloe, May & Lisia continued to stalk on them from the bushes. This would be the part where Team Rocket pops out of nowhere to attack the couple and to nab Pikachu, but they've been busy with their radio show, "Wha-Bam Z!". (Actually their boss Giovanni told them their idea for recruitment was a failure. They still do the radio show, just not that often. Okay what is Team Rocket up to now that they're not chasing after Ash and Pikachu on a daily basis?)


Meanwhile with the four people in the bushes:

"Chloe, are you sure it was a good idea to hide in the bushes?", Goh asked.

"I have to agree with Goh, wouldn't it be better to watch them from a distant bench while we hide our faces using newspapers?", May suggested while removing a twig that poked her right elbow.

"No, that would be too conspicuous, besides this is better", Chloe says as she peeked through the bushes seeing that Ash and Serena are still talking.

May then turned to Lisia who was noticeably sweating due to her current outfit. It was her same outfit she wore to meet Serena back in "Her Source of Inspiration", the only difference being the green tinted visor cap and the jacket sleeves were not folded up to her elbows.

"Lisia, i think you should take off that jacket", Chloe suggested.

"No no, i'm fine", Lisia answered wiping the sweat off her brow. "Maybe later when those two confess, can't have reporters showing up out of nowhere"


Once the two of them ran out of things to talk about, it was now time for Ash to make his move.

"Hey Serena", Ash started. "There's something i've been meaning to tell you"

"What is it?", she asked as looked to him and stopped petting Pikachu.

Ash turned to look at her, taking in Serena's beauty, her short honey-blonde hair, those bright cerulean-blue eyes and her smile. That smile of hers was enough to put him at peace for what he is about to do.

"About what i did back on stage, the kiss i mean", Ash told her.

"Oh... that...", Serena answered as she drifted off thinking back to that moment. She did admit it did come out of nowhere and from Ash too. She began recalling everything ever since Ash showed up in her and Lisia's dressing room wearing a suit accompanied by Goh, Chloe & May.

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