Chapter (5/5): Words to be Said

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[Lilycove City, Nearby Park]

After kissing Serena on stage in front of an entire audience of fans, along with the fact that this performance was also being broadcasted live too. Now changed back into his regular clothing, Ash was sitting on a bench in the park, the same park where Wallace insisted Ash to battle and was recalling the moment where he kissed Serena on stage under the name of "Satoshi", he was deep in thought and was regretting his decision.

'It takes someone brave to be able to kiss someone in front of a large group of people to get your feelings across, you should be proud of that Ash', Ash's voice of encouragement and motivation told him, even as going as far to mentally pat himself on the back.

"Pika?", Pikachu squeaked in confusion noticing that Ash was talking to himself (again).

"Sorry Pikachu, i'm just thinking", Ash told the mouse pokemon and proceeded to go back to listening to the voices in his head.

'What you did back there was either really brave or really stupid, what if when Serena arrived here and you confess to her, what if she tells you that she already has a boyfriend! And to make things worse, they could've met early on and possibly and possibly been a travelling companion to her', Ash's voice of doubt and fear countered back against the words said by his opposite.

'Well you're clearly blowing things out of proportion, there's no wa-', Ash's voice of positivity was then cut off by Ash himself. Ash decided to talk to them mentally so that Pikachu, or any other bystander nearby wouldn't think he's going crazy. But who would hear him anyway? The part of the park Ash is in has zero people nearby.

"I don't know, but he makes a lot of good points, from the fans, the possibility of her already finding someone, and not to mention when i first saw Serena again at the docks, i can tell she matured a lot throughout her journey in Hoenn. And i'm not saying this because of the change of clothes. Maybe you're right though, Serena could be out of my league or maybe i'm out of hers", Ash explained, while also referring to his voice of negativity.

'See? And this is why i said "don't set your expectations too high", you don't know the outcome and the results may leave you disappointed'

Before either Ash or two of his voices could say more, Pikachu got the attention of his trainer by tugging on his shorts and pointing out to the distance, Ash looked to where Pikachu was pointing and it was Serena coming towards him.

'Well, we'll leave you on your own, this is your own battle you have to face'

'Good luck, Ash'

And with that said, Ash's two voices in his head then proceeded to leave him alone for the time being. As Serena was almost there to approach him, one question from his voice of doubt and fear instantly returned to his mind.

"Can you handle the rejection?"

Ash then pushed that question to the back of his head, and cleared his head. This was his chance, the reunion he wished for, and the moment where he gets to talk to Serena alone, it was all perfect.

Aside from the ruckus from the bushes behind him.

"Ash, i hope you didn't wait too long!", Serena says as she approaches Ash, now dressed in her regular clothing, a grey turtleneck top and hat, plaid skirt, black stockings, brown boots and a red bracelet on her left wrist.

"Actually you're just on time", Ash told her as he patted the empty side of the bench, inviting Serena to sit down with him.

"By the way, where are Goh and Chloe anyway"

An Idol Debut (An Amourshipping Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon