Chapter 10

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They woke late in the afternoon. The sun was streaming in through the window and Angel snuggled deeper into the warmth that was Emmet. He smiled. "Good morning."

Emmet sat up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes and Angel laughed. His hair was all in tangles, sticking up around his face. Emmet pouted. "Not everyone can have perfect hair 24/7."

"I don't!"

"You really do," Emmet sat up, checking the time on his phone. "It's nearly lunch. Do you want to head out somewhere to get brunch?"

"Yeah, that sounds lovely." Then he winced. "Do you mind if I borrow something to wear?"

Emmet glanced at his outfit that he had been wearing since Friday. "Yeah, let me see if I can find something that would fit."

They ended up finding him a pair of sweatpants and an old shirt that ended up fitting Angel perfectly. 

"Where are we going?" Angel asked as they headed outside. As Angel was about to go down another level to the parking garage, Emmet kept going straight towards the front door.

"There's a cafe about five minutes from here. Since it's nice, I was thinking we could walk."

"Oh, yeah. That sounds good."

It was nice to soak up the last bits of warm weather before winter came. This time of year, the sun was still hot and the breeze was just light enough to not need a jacket on sunny days like today. 

Angel had never been downtown this early and it was weird how quiet everything was. The streets were close to empty despite being midday and there were only a few others out on the sidewalk. 

Still, he stuck close to Emmet's side until he stopped outside a little building with a sign that said 'The Armview'. Inside was brightly lit by the sun streaming in through the glass windows. Plants were strung along the walls both hanging and in pots along the sills. The place offered a cozy atmosphere and since it wasn't busy, they were immediately greeted by a young man who took them straight to a booth seat in a private corner right beside a window. 

He placed menus down in front of them. "What can I get you gentlemen to drink?"

"Water," said Emmet and Angel repeated the same. 

Their waiter nodded. "I'll be right back with those."

"This place is really nice," said Angel to fill the silence but also because he meant it.

"I discovered it a little bit ago when I was bored. Sometimes I tend to explore random places to see if I find anything I like or just to try new things."

"Wow. I wish I could do that."

"Why can't you?"

Their waiter came back, placing the water down in front of them. "Are you all ready to order?"

Emmet nodded and Angel followed suit, forgetting that he didn't even look at the menu but when Emmet ordered, it sounded good so Angel just got the same thing and their waiter scribbled it down before taking away their menus. 

Emmet looked back at Angel and he realized he was waiting for an answer to his question. "I get anxious when I try new things, especially alone."

Emmet nodded. "It's hard. It took me awhile to start putting myself out there but if you want someone to try things with, I'm always down for adventures." 

Angel nodded and the two of them talked a bit more, just getting to know each other while they waited for their food and it was nice. Easy. Two things that didn't exist when it was him and Reese. When would he stop trying to compare? Reese shouldn't exist to him anymore. Instead, he focused on Emmet. He noticed the dimple that appeared in his cheek when he talked. How he would constantly be tucking his hair behind his ear, only for it to fall back moments later. 

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