Chapter 4

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The weeks leading up to Reese's birthday went by too quickly. He still hadn't spoken to his parents about going but knew he wouldn't be allowed after the last time they let him go to Reese's. He had been grounded for a week which wasn't all that different than his regular week anyway. 

However, Reese and their friends all expected him to go. Especially Charlie with his green eyed glare and smug expression. But more importantly, Reese wanted him there and what kind of friend would he be if he didn't go? 

Today was Friday. The night before the party and instead of asking his parents if he could go, he was shovelling creamy broccoli pasta into his mouth so he didn't have to participate in pointless dinner conversation. 

"How was work today, Connor?" His mom asked his father. 

Connor Williams pushed his glasses above his head, holding back his pitch black hair that had gotten longer in the past few months. Since switching his job from a call center manager to a fitness coach, he had opted to let his hair grow out. Now it nearly reached his shoulders, it's wavy strands still damp from the shower he took before dinner. Angel couldn't help but glance at his fathers biceps, wishing he could look the same way instead of his mother's lithe frame. 

"It was good," said Connor. "I got a new client today. She looked like she was around Angel's age. Pretty red head with green eyes." He gave Angel a suggestive look. 

Angel looked away. He had no interest in girls. Especially ones that would remind him of Charlie. 

Lidia looked between them. "Maybe Angel could start going to the gym with you. You don't have enough meat on your bones for a seventeen year old boy."

Angel nearly laughed at the irony of what she just said. Maybe if he had a proper meat filled diet he wouldn't be so damn skinny. He knew for a fact that his father ate meat so why couldn't he?  Instead he mumbled, "I'm almost eighteen." 

"You still have a few months to go before your birthday. Do you already have gift ideas?" 

Not exactly. "My point is," he started, getting it out before he lost his nerve. "I'm almost an adult. I should be allowed to go out more. To hangout with friends. I don't want to be stuck at home all the time anymore like I'm a child."

His mom blinked, processing, but before she could say anything, his father cut in. "He has a point Lidia. We might have been a little too overprotective of him."

"There's no such thing as overprotective, my love. But I see his point. I'm assuming this conversation isn't random," her blue eyes cut to his. "Is there something you wanted to do?"

"I want to go to Reese's party this weekend."

"Absolutely not."

"Mom! You just agreed-"

"I agreed to give you more freedom. Not to go partying where you're bound to do illegal things like drugs and alcohol-"

"What if I promise not to do any of that?"

"How can I trust-"

"Lidia," his father cut her off. "How will we build trust if we don't give him a chance? Just let him go to his friends party. We'll give him a curfew and if he doesn't abide by it, he won't get another chance."

He looked at his mother hopefully until she sighed. "Fine but I want you home no later than 9:00pm."

"But mom, the party doesn't even start until 7:00pm. Everyone will be there way past midnight. I'll be the only one who has to leave at 9:00pm."

"I don't care-" Connor gave her a look. "Fine. You can stay until 10:00pm. But no later."

He supposed that would have to do. He helped clean up before running upstairs to text Reese and tell him that he could make it. It only took Reese a few seconds to reply.

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