Chapter 8

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The street was the complete opposite from the other night. It was nearly empty and quiet. The late afternoon sun shone over Reese's house but there was a foreboding feeling in the air making Angel hesitant to leave the car.

"Is everything alright?" Emmet was watching him with furrowed brows.

"I- Yeah. Thank you for the ride."

Emmet nodded but the concerned look didn't leave his face. Angel was seconds from closing the door when Emmet's voice stopped him, "I'll see you tonight, right?"

He wasn't going to lie, he forgot all about the gig he was supposed to do with Emmet and his band but he nodded. "Yeah of course." 

Emmet handed him his phone. "Put your number in so I can text you. I'll come pick you up an hour before so we can get set up, okay?"

Angel nodded again, handing him back his phone and closing the door before he could have any second thoughts. He walked as slowly as he could up the path, towards the front steps leading up to the door. There were no cars parked in the driveway which meant Reese was home alone. Angel wasn't sure if this was a good thing or not.

He stepped up to the front door but hesitated before knocking. His fist barely had a chance to scratch the wood before the door swung open. Reese stood there in dark sweatpants riding low on his hips. His entire torso was exposed as he wasn't wearing a shirt. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower, his dark curls dripping water droplets onto his shoulders. "Angel," he greeted but his tone was empty. Angel couldn't tell if he was angry or not. 


Reese stepped back, holding the door open so he could walk inside. He kept as much distance as he could between them as he stepped into the lobby. Reese shut the door behind him and Angel's stomach dropped. Why was he so afraid? What's the worst that Reese could do to him? But Angel knew the answer to that. He could break him completely with a few little words. And that terrified him. 

Reese leaned against the door. It all looked so casual but Angel was uneasy about his only way out being blocked, which made him feel terrible. Reese was still his best friend. 

"What are you doing here?"

Angel brought his eyes back up to Reese's face but for the first time ever, Reese didn't meet his eyes. He was looking at something off to the side and Angel noticed his nails digging into his arms creating white spots on his skin. 

"You told my mom I was staying with you."

Reese nodded. 


Finally, he looked at him. "Because you're my friend."


"Because you're my friend, Angel, and friends cover for each other."

"But I thought-"

"What? That I would be angry you decided to cast me aside just like Ben and Killian?" He pushed away from the door, walking towards him. "That I would be angry because you thought I wasn't good enough?"

"What are you saying, Reese?" Angel was walking backwards, trying to keep distance between him and Reese but he kept coming until Angel's back hit a wall and he couldn't back away any further.

"I'm saying that you're just like them. I thought you were different, Angel. You were the only one I had left. I thought we had something special."

"Reese, you said- You told me we were just friends. And then you were kissing that girl- I thought you didn't care."

Reese's gaze softened. "Of course I care."

"Then why? Why kiss that girl?"

Reese remained silent and Angel finally got the courage to push him away, stepping away from the wall. "If you can't give me a good reason-"

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