marvel oc Alice Fortunata

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Name: alice fortunata

Age: 20

Height: 5'8

Weight: 110

Likes: horror books,horror movies,training,halloween,doing rituals to summon dead souls

Dislikes: people bothering her while she's training,the cold,villains

Personality: mostly quiet,friendly at times,curious over some stuff and etc

Sexuality: straight

Nationality: american

Affilation: agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (aka an avenger)

Power: soul awakening

Power description: she can use dead people's souls from cementeries and use them to fight villains

Backstory: when alice was a little girl she would always talk to dead souls which were her friends,her parents thought that she was just talking to herself,she was afraid of the souls at first but overcame her fear of them,she kept her power a secret from her parents cuz she didnt wanna scare them. When she turned 17 she stopped robberies as a vigilante which she used dead souls as part of her fighting style and eventually nick fury asked her to join the avengers which she did accept his offer.



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