chapter 4

28 7 1

Aaya's pov

I felt my world coming to a stop as the doctor broke the news to me....

I felt hot tears gushing down my eyes uncontrollably as the taught of loosing my mum dawned on me..

Oh Allah how will I cope if I loose my mum

"And pls how about my dad? I asked amidst tears

She looked at me with pity in her eyes 'uhm he'll be fine he just needs plenty rest" she said

I sniffed back the tears threatening to come pouring down

I murmured a thank you with a smile which I wasn't so sure she heard but her reassuring smile told me she heard

I walked out my legs still weak

I saw Yasmin seated still obviously crying I went over to her "take heart Yasmin they need us more at this point in time we can't break down like this"

I can't believe my bubbly sister is this hopeless who was u kidding I'm also as hopeless as she is....

"Let's go see dad mum isn't yet awake ryt?

She nodded a yes as we walked in my dad's hospital room

I wiped a lone tear threatening to drop down

"Mama na " my dad said

We both rushed over to him as we hugged him

"kar kuyi kuka kuyi tawakali da Allah wannan garabawa ce daga ubangiji"

"Abba" Yasmin said crying

"Na'am tsohuwa"

He calls me mana na while Yasmin tsohuwa cause she's his wife's mothers name...

"Baba you'll be well Insha Allah" we both chorused

He smiled 'my priceless jewels even if I don't end surviving you guys should take care of your mother I trust you guys will be able to do it life ain't always a bed full of roses it'll always come with ups and downs you girls just need to have faith in the almighty' he said amidst tears

"No Baba you'll survive and you'll be there for us and mum well both take care of her within this little span of time she has left ".

My father was surprised clearly he still has no information about our mothers situation

"wa_wa_what do yo_you mean mama na" I saw my dad in tears again I couldn't stop mine either

I explained to him amidst tears as I bursted in uncontrollable tears with Yasmin consoling me

"She'll be fine Insha Allah I know that right mama na you don't believe your mum will die now right she'll be there with you girls while I'm gone she'll take care of you"

"No Baba you'll also be there " Yasmin said

I hope so he ended the conversation with that

"Yasmin stay here I'll go check up on mama" ....

She nodded an okay


I walked in the room looking at my mum's hopeless body laying on the bed I started crying I held her hands crying my mum has been the pillar of my life ever since how would I survive with her now

HOW! I asked myself in tears


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