chapter one

61 14 18

Aaya's pov

             Different thoughts hits my mind as I wander in the city of Abuja under this hot scrunching sun looking for a part time job in order to help meet up with our needs...

I was walking with no destination in mind then a painful sting hit my stomach that's when realization dawned on me that I haven't eaten since morning pap.
I sighed as I switched on my small Nokia button phone to check the time I gasped at what I saw no way it's already 5:55pm I need to get home quickly

I increased my pace as I had no Money to hire a cab
If anyone told me that I'd be walking under the hot sun of Abuja on feet with no option 2year back then I'd settle in a corner and laugh my ass out at the person who uttered such

But now it has and believing in faith and destiny is one of the attributes of Muslim
This is a test from Allah and Insha Allah we'll make it

My father went bankrupt when I just graduated from ss3 I had no way to continue my studies so I stayed home from selling sachet water to doing a whole lot of things just to keep us moving and now the capital is no more we spent it on my mother's health situation

"Allah ba azalumin kowa bane" he'll help us out insha'Allah

Lost in thoughts I didn't realize I was already home
Hhhhhh I sighed

"Assalamu alaikum"I said
I heard faint response which I suppose was from my mum

"Ummah " I said with tears in my eyes

Yasmin! Yasmin! I yelled softly

'Na'am adda'


Where were you and why did you leave mum here?

'hmm adda mama was hungry so I went to check if we had garin masara(corn flour) left so that I'll make pap for her but I checked there's nothing

She said as realization dawned on me that yh we had no foodstuff remaining

"i taught Baba went out to get something for us" I asked again cause there's no way I'll leave my mum with hunger

'tun da asubahi da ya fita he's not yet back ai adda' ( since after fajr prayer that he went out he's not yet back so adda')

It's so abnormal of Baba to stay for so much hours outside even on unfortunate days that he doesn't get to bring home he still comes back before me

"Ok let's just wait for a bit to see if he'll be back"

'ok adda'

"Ermm pls Yasmin come and go to Mallam basiru's shop and get mama buredi (bread) with this 50# I said 

'okay adda' she said rushing to get her hijab

Few minutes later she came back with a little bread in a black nylon

"Come help me get mama up Yasmin"

'okay adda' she said

"Sannu mama we said as she groaned in pains while a lone tear slipped my eyes

Oh Allah my mother is in pain and there's nothing I can do about it!
I was beyond heartbroken ya dhul jalal Wal ikram help is out

My mother Is suffering from 3rd stage stomach cancer we did All we could to cure her but we had no money left so we came back home and continued with the gargajiya (local/traditional)

After mama finished eating the bread and water she smiled and muttered under her breath cuz she's weak she can't talk out loud
Poor mama
My lively mum is suffering and I can't do anything? I'm useless
A useless daughter

We decide to take her up to her room we brought a wheelchair over which donated to us by a rich family

We entered our room a room and parlor which we managed to save
Atleast we have a roof under our heads

Mum and dad sleep Inside while Yasmin and I sleep in d parlor on the floor cuz we have no chair...

After praying Ishai
I began to get worried about my dad's whereabouts

Same as Yasmin but we had no option we kept trying his number he wasn't picking up

We both couldn't sleep but we assured my mum that all will be well and with that all retired to bed but couldn't sleep...I stayed awake for upto 3:00 before I drifted to la la la land.....

I woke up to the sound of prayers I quickly got up performed ablution then prayed my sister was off salat so she was still sleeping.

After I finished praying I prayed to God to please keep our papa safe

My prayers got interrupted as I got a call from an unknown number

I was hesitant at first to pick but something pushed me to it and I picked it up

'hello' the voice from the other end said

"Assalamu alaikum pls who's dis"

' we are calling from wadata medical center we have a patient by the name Mal. Muhammad.

The mention of my dad's name made my heart drop

"Pls what happened to him"
I asked unable to keep calm

'he had an heart attack while Walking along asokoro'the voice said agn

' we'd like it you guys will come over rn!

"Sure thing ok alright we are on our way

Yasmin Yasmin Yasmin I called I was all tears

I saw Yasmin clenching in her stomach I knew it was hunger
Cuz who I'm I to fool I'm also hungry I had nothing since yesterday except water of course

At the exact time a boy came in
'ina wuni adda' Amina mama wai akawo abinci "

I thanked him a d sent regards to his mum

Immediately my sister digged in I fetched some fed my mum so we'll all have d strength to stand by our father he needs us now more than ever

After eating.

"Baba had an heart attack he's currently at a hospital around asokoro " I said wiping my tears
My sister couldn't form a word

I turned and saw my mum panicking in her chair like she was having seizure she heard us
Oh Allah

Yasmin Yasmin!!

Help me call mallam dantani to pls bring his keke I we here we'll pay him later

After like 5 agonizing minutes of waits we arrived at wadata hospital Yasmin rushed to call the nurses they came with a stretcher while my mum was being put on it

'ke kudi na fa'  he asked

"Mallam Dantani well settle you later pls
I pleaded with him for 10 minutes before he agreed

Who was I kidding I was expecting this anyway

As I was rushing to go and meet my sister inside I bumped into someone spilling some hot black content which I assumed was coffee on us but him more as it spoiled his white cloth.

ke!!! he thundered

don't you know the cost of these?!!

he questioned her with bloodshot eyes.

"ss..sss..sorry sir it wasn't intentional" I said shuddering

Get lost!!!

Heysss I know it might be a little bit boring and quacky but please don't give up on me just give me this trial I promise I won't fail you

How do you see it hey!😂🥰


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