"So, I don't want you watching me the whole time in boredom," PJ said. Texas frowned.

"But... I thought you liked me being around?" Texas asked.

"Mhm, I do... but I feel bad focusing on something, and then forgetting you're there. Me and you can hang out this weekend if you want," PJ said. Texas smiled and nodded.

"Well, ok, guess It's just you and me, huh Tito?" Texas said. Tito smiled and nodded.

"Hey, are you alright? You seem sad," Holly said.

"I'm ok, just... whatever," Tito said.

"What's wrong?" Texas asked.

"Nothing...," Tito said. Texas frowned.

"Are you sure?"

"I'll tell you later alright? Just leave it," Tito said. The rest of the group nodded and moved on, but Texas was still worried. He decided he'd talk to him while they hung out later.

After school, Texas walked home with Tito, PJ, and Bruno

"Bruno, do you wanna hang out with us?" Texas asked. Bruno shook his head.

"Nah, sorry coz, I got a looot of makeup work if I wanna get into middle school next year," Bruno said. Yeah, he's in sixth grade but still in primary school. Why? Because I personally think that middle school should only be 7th and 8th grade, because it's a transitional schooling environment from primary to high school, and also because 7th and 8th graders are mean as all hell and think they're the sh*t because they know what sex is and how to curse. 6th graders are too young and innocent for that kind of vibe.

So yeah

suck it?


Eventually, Tito and Texas were hanging out in the playroom, but eventually it was populated by babies, so they snuck off to the attic, which Texas had claimed as his personal room where he gets to escape from the world. Especially since he found the key to the attic and kept it to himself. Since his parents never really went up there for anything, they didn't mind, nor seemed to notice.

"Woah... It's nice up here! Why didn't you tell me you had a secret hideout?" Tito asked. Texas sighed and sat down on a nearby beanbag chair.

"I haven't told anyone... except Anthony and Rico, but even they haven't been up here yet," Texas said.

"Why not?" Tito asked, sitting next to him.

"Sometimes I just want a place I can go to without having to worry about anything. Somewhere I know nobody will bug me," Texas said. Tito sighed and nodded.

"I get that...," Tito said.

"Hey, why were you upset earlier by the way?" Texas asked. Tito hugged his knees to his chest slightly, turning away.

"My brother moved back in," Tito said. Texas was silent for a moment. He never really did hear much about Francesco outside of what Holly told him, and bits of gossip he heard from adults around him. Tito never seemed willing to talk about him at all.

"Is that... mostly good or mostly bad?" Texas asked.

"I dunno... he's different now... weirdly different. I guess I was just super scared of him when I was five, because he still looks exactly the same... I just also notice more about him than how scary he was. He looks so tired, and doesn't want to talk much... he's not really nice... but he'll randomly clean my room or make me lunch without saying a word... and I... I just don't know how to... how to process how I feel about it," Tito said.

"Oh...," Texas said awkwardly. He wanted to be able to help his friend, however didn't even know what to say. "...well... is he good to you? He's not hurting you anymore, right?" Texas asked.

"Not anymore.... My only memories of him I had when I was younger was that he was always mad. He'd get in fights with papà, and would pick on me to make himself feel better. He did basically everything he could to make my dad go crazy mad, sometimes even making him break down in tears... Francesco was just... I have a hard time trying to figure out why he did what he did, y'know? He seems so different now. He doesn't talk at all, and isn't super outwardly loving like you, but now he does nice things... I dunno... I'm sorry, I know I'm just being stupid-,"



"You said something wrong. I'm sure what you meant to say was 'I'm being understandably confused because emotions hurt sometimes, and I'm telling you because it's not stupid, and you're my friend'," Texas said. Tito chuckled.

"It's really fine, you don't have to humor me... I know I'm thinking too much about this-,"

"That's ok, tell me more if you want," Texas said. Tito rolled his eyes.

"Look, my brother is just home now, and he's not being mean but all I can remember is him being mean, so Im having trouble adjusting to him being around again... long story short, can this place be my escape too?" Tito asked. Texas smiled.

"Of course,"

That night, Texas had another nightmare. He grew used to these, and was no longer disturbed by them, knowing that he had more power in the daytime than his nightmares ever could. He hugged Osito close. He had carried the stuffed bear with him anytime he didn't feel too safe, and it always made him feel better...

But suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.

Trying to settle his nerves, he assured himself that only a member of his family would be knocking on his door this late at night. Upon opening the door, he was relieved to see his sister.

"Cali? What's wrong?" Texas asked. California sniffed, and Texas realized she had tears in her eyes.

"I had a bad dream b-but papá and dad are with the babies and abuelo is downstairs and it's dark and I'm really scared," California whispered shakily. Texas was silent for a moment, before looking over at Osito.

"Follow me, let's go back to your room, ok?" Texas asked. California nodded. Once in her room, Texas tucked her back into bed, and gave her the stuffed bear.

"This is Osito, he may look small and cuddly, but he's also super strong.... Just like you. He'll be sure to protect you... and he wants you with him too, ok? You and Osito are safe here in your room, I promise. All the bad things in your dreams have no power here," Texas said. California nodded, hugging Osito close. "I'm right across the hall if you need me, ok? Now go back to sleep, and I'll try to convince dad to make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow morning," Texas said. California smiled and nodded.

"Good night Aguilito," California said.

"Good night, Osita,"

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