"Sour Belt Headcannons!"

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I finished with nearly all my exams, I can finnaly rest! So I will try posting more , but anyway here!!!!!

1.)Use She/They pronouns

2.) Their work is often inspired by flowers, her friends and poems ♡

3.) Prefers being alone while working, but definetely is an extrovert... She doesn't like sharing stuff

4.) I bet she visits the Kingdom once in a while to showcase her work to people they admire there, including Custard as he is king hehe

5.)  Cares a lot about people's advice, will instantly try everything out

6.) A very adventurous person who goes outside in forests etc... to search for dye and fabric ideas

7.) Often makes the patterns herself, loves giving credits cause the person always appreciates it

8.) Adores dark and pastel palletes of colours

9.) Can't take no for an answer,needs a whole ass explanation

10.) Hear out this scenario:

S.B- Sooo...What do you think? Are my new creations worthy of being put in your store?

Random Manager Cookie- Miss, I understand you want to publish your GORGEOUS new accesories... But this isn't a clothes store.

S.B- Hm, what is it then?

R.M.C- This is a Lumber Jack production store

S.B- Oops

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