"Tiramisu Daily Routine!"

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-Tiramisu's Cookie POV:

Hello everyone.

I am Tiramisu Cookie, and in this letter, I will announce to you my daily routine.

At around 7:45 A.M, I have to get up and go to work immediately.

Although Eggnog Cookies does most of the work with packaging and delivering, but I think it is appropriate for me to also help out.

At 9:00 A.M, I help everyone get in shape as we have 20 Hour shift and it is quite tiring. However, it is all worth it after Christmas is over and we get to see all the cookies' happy experiences.

It is truly wonderful, even if Christmas is just once a year we still have to work every day.

Anyway, when the clock turns and evening arrives, it's about 18:00 P.M.

Time for my two hour break!

I am friends with a lot of cookies my age, including adults. Some of them are Pancake, Kumiho, Werewolf, Pudding, Butter Pretzel and of course Mango.

All of my friends are loyal and nice and I am glad to have them, after my break is over I have to hurry back to the train and deliver some special gifts from some orders.

Now its 23:30 , time for me to rest as Eggnog cookie says!

Goodbye everyone, thank you for reading.

-Tiramisu Cookie

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