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Herobrine was just about to jump thought a portal to go see daddy pig until Herobrine got lost in different world and then the portal on Herobrine. daddy pig was wonder why it was taking so long for Herobrine  to get their. Daddy pig  began to double  guess herobrine's love for him as he felt as thought they truely had a connection between them especialy since no one knew about his affair with him. Daddy pig began to cry as he slowly felt his heart break (or he's just a sensitive little fuc-). when all of the sudden a portal opened behind him.He gasped and looked up from his puddle of tears he left on the floor. "Herobrine?" He asked as he looked up at the figure stepping out of the portal. The figure itself had been revealed to be... THE ROCK??? He walked towards Daddy Pig and crossed his arms. "Hey cutie." He said with a smug grin on his face, pausing for a moment to do his iconic eyebrow raise. Daddy Pig instantly fell in love. He didn't care about Herobrine anymore. He didn't need him. The Rock and Daddy Pig made out while the portal was still open, herobrine finally making his way towards the exit of the portal to Daddy Pig's house as he saw what was happening. "No... I-I thought... I thought you loved m-m-m-me..." He choked out over his tears as he ran away and fell to the ground in heartbreak. He started sobbing loudly. That's when he saw a shadow slowly linger over him. "Don't worry... You don't need him when you have me, babe." The figure said, Herobrine looking up, to see Ghxsty. (To be continued? Probably not. This was a painful experience)

HEROBRINE TRYING TO GET TO DADDY PIGWhere stories live. Discover now