Chapter Seven - Victor Strikes Again

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"Have you seen or heard from Eddie recently?" Dustin spoke down the phone, "Eddie Munson" Max spoke down another phone, "When's the last time you talked to him?" Dustin asked. "Have you seen him?" Max asked, "Okay. Sorry to bother you." Dustin spoke as he hung the phone up crossing a name out on the whiteboard of people who knew Eddie. "Known anyone who knows where he is?" Max asked on the other phone, "I really don't think he's at the arcade. Yep, I'm pretty sure" Robin spoke down the third phone. "Reefer Rick? No. Does this Reefer Rick have a last name? I mean, It's kind of?" after a while Max smiled and turned as she put her phone down "Hey, guys I might have a lead". She spoke with a huge smile thinking she just found April, "Seriously?" Dustin spoke as he turned causing Max to nod "Yeah, apparently, Eddie gets drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick and sometimes Eddie crashes there." Max spoke as she got excited. "Sounds promising, Where does Reefer Rick live?" Robin spoke as she rubbed Max's arm. "See, that's the thing. no one knows. He's more of... a legend than someone that people actually know," Max spoke as her excitement left her and she frowned. "Last name?" Dustin spoke, "I don't know that either" she added. "Bet the cops know the last name" Steve spoke from behind the desk, "What?" Max spoke. "Cops" Steve spoke bluntly, "I mean, listen if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer. I guarantee you he's been busted at some point. Means he's in the system" he added. "The cops?" Dustin repeated "Really Steve? That's your suggestion?" he added. "I think they should be filled in on what we know, what's going on" Steve spoke looking at both Dustin and Max. "You think Eddie's guilty, don't you?" Dustin said getting a little annoyed, "They will take April too if she is with him" Max spoke looking at Steve, Max knew Steve wouldn't let anything happen to April. "Woah, I believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit. I just, you know... But April? What if she is involved? Ah? She isn't all there sometimes. I just don't think we can rule it out" Steve spoke as Max felt a bubble of anger inside her, "Forget Eddie, April? She smoke's weed Steve not fucking heroin? You are just annoyed she picked Eddie? Ah? you always liked her and she didn't pick you so you want her to go to jail?" Max spat out like the wind pulled the words out of her. She took a deep breath "That's precisely what we're trying to do here, Steve" She spoke trying to sound calm, "And maybe we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend or moping over April and more time trying to find Eddie and April" Dustin spoke showing his agitation. "Well somebody has to attend to the customers" Steve spoke throwing his arms up, "Especially if they're babes, right?" Robin spoke with a slight smirk. " Hey, not fair. Okay?" Steve sighed at Robin, "I attend to all the customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people" Steve spoke mostly talking to Robin, "Yeah, it can be." Robin spoke as she turned to the computer with a grin. "What are you doing?" Max asked watching her confused. "Maybe we don't need a last name. " She spoke as she began to type on the computer, Robin typed in Rick with 12 different Ricks came up "Twelve Ricks have an account here" Robin spoke, "A lot of ricks" Max added. "So, let's narrow it down. Rick Alderman's latest rental is Annie and Dumbo. What are the chances our drug dealer has a family?" Robin asked "Not likely" Max replied with a smile understanding what Robin was doing, "All right, Rick Conray. Sixteen candles, teen wolf, and romancing the stone" Everyone replied in unison "No". "Okay. Rick Joiner, Mask, footloose, and grease" causing everyone to say no again. "Rick Kimbrough, the blue lagoon and splash" everyone suddenly laughed "Definitely not" Max spoke. "Rick Lipton, fast times at Ridgemont high, Cheech and Chong's next movie, Cheech and Chong's nice dreams, Cheech and Chong's Up in smoke" Robin spoke as she began to giggle, "Bingo" Dustin spoke laughing, "Lipton" Max spoke. "Spelled like the tea 2121 Holland Road" Robin replied, "That's out by lovers lake" Dustin spoke, "Middle of nowhere" Max added with a smile "It's a perfect place to hide" Robin spoke. They all ran out from behind the desk out to the front of Steve's car, Robin turned the sign to closed and locked the door.

Nancy began to knock at people's trailers, suddenly the door she knocked on swang open "Um, hi I'm Nancy Wheeler from the Hawkins Tiger-" Nancy spoke, "I've talked to enough reporters yeah" the woman replied as she closed her door, Nancy sighed as she walked away "Okay well? what about that one? with the flag?" Nancy spoke trying to find new trailers to try, "Yeah, I tried them twice. They were actually quite rude. I am not doing that again, I'm telling you, we've talked to everyone" Fred replied as they walked through the trailer park, "Nope. Not everyone." She spoke as she began to walk in a different direction as she saw someone sitting outside "Stay here" She spoke to Fred as she began to approach them. "Hi" She spoke softly "Uh, I'm a friend of Max Mayfield's over there" She spoke pointing to Max's trailer "You're Wayne Munson, Arnt you? Eddie's Uncle?" Nancy asked. "That's right" Wayne answered "I heard you found the body?" Nancy asked when it suddenly dawned on her, April, Fucking April. "The neighbors, they were" Nancy spoke trying to not let her anger out "Like to gossip" Wayne spoke "and I'm not interested in gossiping no more certainly not to a reported" Wayne spoke angrily as he smoked his cigarette. "Well, what gave me away? look let me level with you, Mr. Munson. I'm not just a reporter. Eddie... He's dating my sister April. You must have met her, Tall and blonde" Nancy added "The paper that I write for is... Small. We don't have the staff to keep up with the big guys and I'm just looking for something, anything really, about what happened last night. My sister anything honestly." Nancy spoke placing her in the seat next to Wayne, "Why? so you can say he killed her too? Far as I can tell, you all have it figured out already. My nephew's a freak, he killed that girl and probably will kill your sister. Ain't that about right?" He asked looking at her, "Let me guess? You've been speaking to the Hawkins Post? Chuck Bailey? Yeah, I used to work with him. I mean, that guy doesn't know his ass from his elbow" Nancy spoke as Wayne chuckled, "I know he won't kill my sister, He loves her" Nancy spoke in a low tone, she didn't want anyone to know that April was there. "Let me tell your side of the story" Nancy spoke with a smile. Fred stayed where Nancy told him to as he read through his notebook when he suddenly heard a clock chiming and ticking. "My nephew he may look dangerous, but he didn't do this and from what I have seen and heard of your April she didn't either. It just... Aint in his nature. No matter what anyone says and they will say things, believe you me. But... This... wasn't Eddie or April. The man who did this... who killed that poor girl. He's... pure evil" Wayne spoke dwelling on his words. "Man?" Nancy repeated, "You think you know who might've done this?" Nancy asked "You ever hear the name... Victor Creel?" Wayne spoke as he looked at Nancy. Fred had begun to follow the clock sound leading him into the woods behind the trailer park "I guess you're too young, but back when I was a kid, everybody knew the name, Victor Creel. He lost his mind. Killed his whole family. Kids and Wife, Too their eyes, Cut 'em right out." Wayne spoke talking as if this was a normal conversation to have. "God" Nancy mumbled listening and hanging on every word Wayne spoke "That poor girl I found this morning, same exact thing. So I'm thinking maybe he broke out." Wayne spoke as Fred was still following the clock he could head. "Victor Creel is still alive?" Nancy asked "They locked him away in Pennhurst Asylum. Yeah, as far as I know, he's still there. That is unless he broke out. Like that... What's his name? White mask and killed the babysitters?" Wayne spoke ad Fred got closer and closer to the clock "Micheal Myers?" Nancy asked. "Yeah, Micheal Myers. You ask me, Victor's like that. He's a real boogeyman" Wayne spoke glancing at Nancy after every word. "Um... I'll be right back" She spoke when she realized Fred had walked away. "Fred!" Nancy shouted as she walked through the trailer park. "Fred!" She shouted again she began to turn and look around her "Fred?!" He shouted confused. Fred was currently in a trance in the woods all alone imagining the girl he had killed alive in front of him, he began to run up the woods to the trailer park.

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