Chapter Six - The Hunt Is On

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Max and Dustin rode to the video store to get Steve. "Hey, Steve" Dustin spoke in a rushed voice as he walked into the store. "You see this?" Steve spoke talking about the news of the dead Hawkins high student, "How many phones do you have?" Dustin spoke his voice still rushed. "Someone was murdered," Steve said again confused by the speed of Dustin talking. "How many phones do you have?" Dustin asked again his tone getting agitated "Two why?" Steve spoke with a frown. "Technically three, if you count Keiths" Robin added. Max looked at Dustin and smiled "Yeah, Three works". Dustin took off his backpack and put it on the table "What are you doing?" Steve asked confused by the whole situation "What are you-" Steve asked again as Dustin pushed his backpack over and threw himself over it. "My pile!" Robin shouted as his bag knocked over her stack of movies. "No, no, no! My tapes! Dude" Steve shouted as Dustin knocked his tapes over too "what are you doing, man?" Steve asked Dustin who placed himself in front of the computer. "Setting up the base of operations here" Dustin spoke and Steve looked at him in confusion, "base of operations?" Robin repeated confused. "Get off" Steve shouted, "I need it" Dustin replied as he began to type on the computer. "For what?" Steve asked slamming his hands down onto the desk. "Eddie's friend's phone numbers" Dustin spoke bluntly, "your new best friend you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game? Dates the hottest girl in Hawkins?" Steve asked as what he said hit him. "Yes, I never said that" Dustin spoke in frustration as he typed, "seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around, but it's Saturday" Robin spoke as she tried to fix the piles that were knocked over. "It's our busiest day" Robin added with a sign. "Robin I empathize, but this cannot wait" Dustin replied as he typed. "Oh my god" Steve spoke covering his face with his hands. "Calling Eddie's friends is an emergency?" Robin shouted in annoyance "Correct!" Dustin shouted back in anger his face turning red. "Want me to strangle him or you want to?" Steve asked Robin as she turned and smiled "We could take turns?" Robin answered with a little giggle. "Can you fill them in while I do this?" Dustin spoke in anger to Max, "Fill us in on what?" Robin asked looking at Max, Max sighed slightly before letting a little smile grow on her lips before she began to explain the situation to Steve and Robin. The whole time Steve was more focused on April being there.

Nancy was currently driving to the trailer park with Fred, Nancy knew it was Eddie's trailer but she forgot all about April having been there, she was focused on the story, not the situation. "What's our game plan?" Fred asked glancing at Nancy as she drove, "Game plan?" Nancy repeated confused. "Yes," Fred spoke back bluntly causing Nancy to glance at him. "When you and Jonathan investigated for Hawkins's post, did you split up or?" Fred asked making Nancy slightly agitated, "First of all, you're not Jonathan" Nancy replied with a laugh. Fred rolled his eyes "Clearly not" He answered her with a stiff chuckle "I'm here, present and accounted for" He added as he watched Nancy's face change "I've gone through a lot of managing editors. Okay?" Nancy spoke in annoyance "Oh. Somebody's testy! Curious" Fred spoke with strong sass in his voice as he tried not to laugh. "I'm annoyed he's not here. Okay? Is that what you wanna hear? and yeah, something's going on with him but guess what that's not the mystery we're investigating today... A student died and the game plan is for you to let me do the talking, for you to take notes in that little pad there and for you to follow my lead at all times. Is that understood?" She spoke, her voice cutting the air. "Totally and completely" Fred answered placing a hand in the air, as they get closer to the trailer site it was clear that police were all over the scene "Shit. Slow down, slow down" Fred said as he began to panic slightly "Just act casual" Nancy replied with a smile as she fixed her hair, "and follow your lead, Got it" Fred replied which caused Nancy to grin more. Nancy drove into the entrance of the trailer park and was stopped by the police, she put her window down and smiled sweetly at the officer "Hi officer" She spoke with a kind smile causing the officer to smile back slightly "Can't get through. Got a crime scene" The officer replied bluntly "Yeah, um, i... I was just going to... um... see Max Mayfield, a friend. She lives in there" She spoke pulling her best poker face. "We're restricting access to residents only" the officer spoke leaning into the window to talk to her "It just, um, her mom is working today and we would really like to check in on her" Nancy said with a slight frown that pulled lightly on the officer's heart. "We're basically her nanny. Nannies" Fred spoke causing Nancy to turn and give him a glare she turned back to the officer nodding with a smile, and Fred began to freeze a little as he saw the officer change, having a hallucination. "You alright there?" the officer spoke looking at Fred in shock "I said, you all right kid? You're looking a little peaked." the officer said Nancy looked at Fred in confusion at the situation "Fine" Fred replied bluntly as he showed a fake smile "I'm fine" he spoke again rubbing his leg, "He's just, um, on edge. I mean we all are." Nancy spoke in a reassuring voice. "I'll let you check on your friend, but be fast. Yeah?" the officer spoke "Of course, officer. Thank you" Nancy spoke with a cute smile, the officer stood from the car giving it a tap on top so Nancy knew she was okay to enter she began to drive in slowly. "Okay, What was that?" She asked Fred her face in shock, "I said act casual" she added. "Yeah, It's just... Sorry" He spoke as he watched out the window the energy in the car turning silent as they drove to Max's trailer.

"Eddie Munson" Jason spoke as he threw down a picture of the hellfire group, "He's part of that freak devil cult, Hellfire. The cops, say Chrissy went to him to buy drugs" he spoke. "Drugs? No" one of the guys spoke shaking his head, "That's what I said. Chrissy would never touch that shit. They wouldn't even show her parents her face. I don't know what this freak did to Chrissy, but he did something sick." Jason continued, "Probably sacrificed her, drained her blood for the devil. Satanists do that" another guy spoke "That's what I'm saying. It's this cult" Jason spoke, "Hellfire isn't a cult. It's... it's a D&D club. D... D&D. Dungeons and Dragons? It's like a... it's like a game. It... its fantasy" Lucas spoke as he stood further back from the group. "And how exactly is it you know all of that, Sinclair?" one of the guys asked walking closer to him. "Uh... well it's my sister. Yeah, she's like... she is a total nerd. you know?" Lucas spoke "Yeah" The guy spoke confused "Nerds? like, she plays a lot sometimes-" Lucas continued feeling like he was digging himself a hole. "I'm sure your sister isn't killing people, right? But I've read the wrong people plays this game, it can warp their mind. They confuse fantasy and reality, and innocent people die. Been happening all over the country. It's an epidemic" Jason spoke, "I've read about that shit. It's real" Another guy spoke. "And i think Eddie... He's the wrong type of person, Right? you know he got lost, he thought Chrissy was just a part of his... his sick game. and chances are, he's still in the game. Meaning-" Jason spoke as he walked away from the group. "He's gonna kill again... Isn't he dating April Wheeler? What if she is next? Don't cults like do spells and shit? what if he has put a spell on her? I don't know?" another guy chipped in causing Jason to turn "But not if we can help it. Would Chrissy want us to just stand by while the cops go around pursuing some bullshit leads, spreading rumors saying she's some druggy?" Jason spoke his voice getting louder "No!" The group replied. "No, She wants us to go out there. To do something about it, wouldn't she? To save April and keep Hawkins safe" Jason shouted "Yeah!" the other guys shouted at the same time. "Then let's hunt some freak! For Chrissy!" Jason shouted as the guys all began to cheer "Yeah!" Jason grabbed a lighter and set the picture of the hellfire group on fire as everyone clapped and cheered.

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