Part 4

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Sidharth sat beside her, stroking her wait while waiting for her to open her eyes. And Finally his wait come to an end when her fluttered open, Shehnaaz moaned slightly due to the head ache, rubbing her temple, she looked around at her surroundings. Confusion filled her mind but soon it fade away when she remember how she fell unconscious in afternoon. A fear crept up in her heart for her child's safely, and on instinct her hand went to her belly, trying to feel the life breathing inside her. 

"Baby is safe."A voice came from beside her, her brows knitted in confusion, wondering if she is dreaming or he was there in reality. Deciding to end her confusion, she turned her head and found him there, sitting beside her and gazing down at her with soft eyes. Before she could react, he hovered over her body and hugged her but making sure not to put pressure on her belly. Shehnaaz was shocked with the sudden act of her husband. 

"Sidharth" She called out for him softly, Sidharth broke the hug and look at her with small smile. But the words escaped from her lips next, wiped the smile off his face

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to take you back. It's so lonely without you there." Sidharth said to her truthfully, but she couldn't believe. 

"But for now, leave that. You need to eat something, I''ll go & get food ready." Sidharth said to her, as Riddhima's words ringed in his mind. He had so many questions that he wanted to ask her first, but first her health was more important. Shehnaaz watched him in daze as he got up and left the room, to bring food for her.

"What he is doing here? And he know about my pregnancy but how? And is he happy about it?" Questions surrounded her, Shehnaaz never wanted to get to know about her pregnancy like this. She wanted this moment to be special for them.

After some time,Sidharth again entered the room with tray of food in his hands, he found her sitting on the bed, lost in her thoughts. Sid walked toward the bed and placed the tray before her.

"You know that it's not good for you in this condition to skip your meals then why? Meri galti ki sazaa mere bacche ko kyun?" Sidharth asked her, he let his intensified gaze roam over her as she shifter in her place nervously. She lifted her eyelashes and look at him. Sidharth sat beside her, he dipped the morsel in curry and brought it near her lips.

"Eat." He whispered softly, Shehnaaz ate quietly, she chose not to talk to him as she was still hurt by his yesterday's behavior. After he fed her, he placed the dishes on table and walked inside the washroom to wash his hands.

Shehnaaz was waiting for him to come and talk to him. Their eyes met as he stepped out of the washroom. Sidharth smiled at her but she didn't return the smile.

"I don't want to go home, few days i want to stay here." Shehnaaz told him as he came and sat beside her on the bed

"Okay, But do you mind if i stay with you here. I don't want to leave you alone, not after today." Sidharth said to her, he couldn't get the horrifying image of her laying lifelessly on floor, it shook him to death. Shehnaaz stares at him, did she really heard him right? He wants to stay with her, leaving his sister & work? A part of her felt happy that he didn't denied her wish this time.

"But don't you have office work?"

"That can wait, I guess-" He answered her, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. They were gazing into each other's eyes, trying to convey their feelings to each other but their trance was broken when his cell phone ringed loudly. He took out his cell phone and checked his phone, It was call from Himanshi.

"Yes, Himanshi!" He picked up the call, and taani mentally prepared herself for another heart break. She knew, he will leave after the call, leave her alone just like before.

"Sorry, Himanshi, I can't come right now, I'm little busy-" Sidharth said to his sister over the call, she wanted him to come so as her in-laws are coming to meet her and she was nervous because Her in-laws are quite demanding & gave cold shoulder to her, specially Asim's grandmother & bua since they were against her marriage with Asim. So she wants Sidharth to be with her till their in-laws were there. 

"Himanshi, Asim is there with you, and we both know that he will not let anyone say anything to you. So dont worry!" Sidharth assured her, sensing her nervousness. And for the first time, he didnt felt guilty for denying his sister because he knew his sister has her husband to support her but his wife doesnt have anyone except him. And with his child growing inside her, he had grown more protective over her, and he doesnt possess a heart to leave her alone. 

Sidharth keeps the call and turned to her who was staring at him like he had grown another head. Shehnaaz couldnt believe he had denied his sister, denied her just because he didnt want to leave her alone. 

"Ese kya dekh rahi ho?" Sidharth asked her confusingly. Shehnaaz shook her head negatively and gave a weak smile in return. 

"When did you come to know?"Sidharth asked her suddenly, looking at her with curious eyes. He wanted to know why didnt she told him about her pregnancy.

"What?" Shehnaaz asked her confusingly, not understanding about what he was talking. 

"When did you got to know that you are pregnant?" Sidharth questioned her again. He watched her as she grew conscious under his penetrating gaze.

"A month ago." Shehnaaz mumbled, she lowered her eye lashes, knowing what is about to come. Anger cursed through his veins hearing her, he felt an unknown rage building up inside him realizing she had hidden biggest news of their lives for so long.

"And you were hiding this from me? Why didn't you told you?" He roared in anger, he got up from the bed, glaring down at her with rage filled eyes.

"I did, I did tried but you never had time to listen!" Shehnaaz cried, she brought her knees close to her chest and buried her face in her palms as she cried bitterly. Sidharth was numb hearing her, all his anger left him as tears brimmed in his eyes seeing her condition. He realized, to what extent he had hurt her by his ignorance.

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