Fresh Start🤗

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Shukla mansion was decorated beautifully, it was their child's baby naming ceremony. Guests has started arriving, SidNaaz were greeting them while the little shukla was playing with his mother's parents.
Shehnaaz smiled as Asim & Himanshi came with their baby girl in Asim's arms.

"Congratulations bhai." Himanshi stepped forward and hugged her brother. Sidharth mumbled a thank you and hugged her back. She smiled at him as she broke the hug and turned to Shehnaaz, she moved to hug her. 

Himanshi's face fell as her brother pulled Shehnaaz by his side, by holding her waist. Shehnaaz narrowed her eyes at his over protectiveness. With time, his possessiveness has grown and went to another level after his grandmother's exist from their lives. She pulled herself away and hug Himanshi, who gave a small smile to her, still hurt over the fact that her brother no longer trust her.

Then the priest call Sidharth to start the ceremony. He grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him leaving Himanshi behind who decided to talk to him later. 

Priest chanted the holy mantras, the couple prayed for their child's bright, happy future and his well being, then it was time to name the baby. Priest asked mother to whisper the name in child's ear then let other knows. Shehnaaz leaned and whispered in her baby's ear, his name.

"Garv Sidharth Shukla." Shehnaaz announced the name of her baby boy, pride was visible in her voice. Shehnaaz look at him, he was looking at him with small smile. It was the name he decided when he got to know about her pregnancy but never shared it with her, he wonder how she got to know to.

"Don't be so surprised, dear hubby. I can read you inside out-" Shehnaaz whispered in his ear making him smile at his cute wife. He wrapped his arm around her and gazed down at his son, he was their only wish, their only desire. Their symbol of love

Away from the eyes of people, they finally got some time for themselves when Sidharth pulled his wife in corner.

"Where is Garv?" Shehnaaz asked her husband, Sidharth leaned and nuzzled his face in crook of her neck.

"He is sleeping in room and mom is with him." Sidharth answered her, he started placing soft feathery kisses on her nape, taani tighten her grip on his collar and hissed as he gave her a hickey on her neck then sooth her pain with his blazing tongue, licking the bite.

"Give me a kiss." He demanded but she shook her head in denial.

"Sidharth, there are people around. Behave yourself." She scolded him, but like her husband has ever listened to her. Instead of answering her back, he kept his lips on hers, pulling her in passionate kiss. She took time but responded back to his kiss with same passion and like always, her husband got what he wanted.

After the ceremony was over, all the guests left while AsiManshi stayed behind. Himanshi stepped forward and knelt down before her brother who was sitting on the couch in the hall.

"Bhai, I want to ask you something-" She started off. Sidharth look at her with blank expressions, he gave a curt nod to her.

"You still haven't forgiven me, right?"

"I have forgave you long back, Himanshi."

"Then why don't you trust me? You don't trust me around shehnaaz and you child, you didn't even let me hold your baby-" Himanshi whispered brokenly. Sidharth look at her, it pained his heart to see her like this, but it was for her betterment only. He want her to realize her mistake.

"Its because you are feeling guilty for hurting me, not for your behavior toward shehnaaz. And somewhere i still fear, you again might hurt her. In these months, not once you apologized to her because you don't think you have wronged her. You are just feeling guilty that you have hurt your brother. But in reality, more than me, you have hurt her. Just to get my attention, you were ready to hurt the child growing inside her, didn't you once thought how much it must have pained her. Himanshi, life doesn't just revolve around you or me, there are more people in life we need to take care of. Every relation is important which i understand when i was on verge of losing her-" Sidharth said to his sister, he wanted her to understand, wanted to see the reality of life.

She looked down, knowing her brother was correct. Her brother mattered to her most, she never thought about anyone else than him. 

"Seeing you plotting with dadi against Shehnaaz, blaming her, made me feel like i failed as a husband. I failed to give you good values. I failed mom & dad."  Sidharth mumbled brokenly. Himanshi cried as she shook her head in denial.

"You haven't failed in anything, bhai. You have left everything for me, and when for the first time when you chose your own happiness over me, i turned selfish. I tried destroying your happiness. Its me who failed. Not you. You are the best brother. Mom & Dad must be very proud of you." Himanshi cried, she hugged him and cried her heart out.

She got up and moved toward Shehnaaz, she knew it's time to make everything alright.

"After your marriage with bhai, i know, i never treated you well. I always avoided you, but that was not intentional. My world just roamed around my own little family, and i felt you will take my bhai away from me. I couldn't afford to lose him, he is my everything after mom & dad left. I realized how wrong i was when i expected bhai to leave you for me, i'm sorry. I got bit selfish, not realizing my brother have his own family now. I'm sorry, bhabhi."  Himanshi apologized, and for the first time, she called her bhabhi, with respect she deserve from her.

Shehnaaz smiled at her and pulled her in her embrace, leaving all the bitter memories behind. They all decided to start a new, with balance in their lives. Sidharth made sure to give his full attention to his wife & son but also made sure his sister never felt left out or insecure about their relation.

While Himanshi made sure she doesn't interfere in her brother's personal life and avoid such situations where he has to chose between her & his wife. Asim was happy to see his wife becoming so mature & understanding, she was no longer the stubborn & spoiled one who want her brother by her side all the time.

Shehnaaz was happy, her husband erased all her insecurities and after that there was no looking back. Their love made their relationship more stronger. After two years, they were blessed by a baby girl Mansi named after Himanshi. Arrival of their little angel, completed their world and filled their lives with more happiness.

With the ending chapter, i end this book. It was an emotional journey, dealing with insecurities of a wife and sister. Hope I did justice with the concept. 

Ignorant Hubby (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें