Chapter 5 post trial and execution

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Monodora- Isn't this feel amazing?! Yall guess it right again. Akira tsuchiya is the culprit of this case.

Kokoro- So, it was you?

Akira- yeah......i did it.  got a problem?

Kasumi- YES! You killed a sweet person. For no reason.

Kou- this isnt going through hella alot.

Akira- You could say that again.

Kou- why, why must u be the 3rd person to die!?!

Akira- *shrugs*

Kou- WHAT DO YOU MEAN *Shrugs*!? Why did you kill her?!

Akira- fine, you fucks want to know why i did it?

Kanata- yes please.

Akira- alright then......tbh, i wanted to kill someone first before maiko did. My target was suppose to be saiji.

Kokoro- saiji?

Akira- yup, since he had a headache. I could have killed him in his sleep. But killing someone before everyone else dropping like flies, was impossible.

Kasumi- so this whole time, you wanted to kill someone!?

Akira- no shit.

Kokoro- So what happened?

Akira- After the first trial, monodora gave me a taser. He said dont use it yet until the perfect timing.

Yuki- and the perfect timing was to kill mikako?

Akira- yup.

Kou- but that doesn't answer the question, why did you kill mikako?

Akira- Its not because i wanted to, i was chose to kill.

Kokoro- huh?

Akira- You see......


Kou- Hey dude your ok?

Akira- yes......just planning something.

Kou- planning what?

Akira- to kill someone.

Kou- Why must you kill someone?

Akira- i have no choice.

Kou- no choice? Dude, your gonna die at the end.

Akira- you just dont know anything about me.

Kou- what are you talking about?

Akira- there is something i gotta tell you.

Kou- what is it?

Akira- im the traitor

Kou- !!!!

Akira- Shocking right? Well, i have to die sooner before they find out.

Kou- s-so....who are gonna kill?

Akira- mikako kurokawa. She seems like a very well target.

Kou- how are you gonna kill her anyways?

Akira- with this taser. I'll just electrocute her-

Ding dong bing bong

Monodora - blah blah blah go to bed.

Akira- shit. Well, its bedtime. See you tomorrow

Danganronpa: kazuhiko  academyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ