Chapter VI - Deals, Dreams, and Warmth

Start from the beginning

Miki floats about through the air, idly rolling around in the sky as she explains, "Let's start with the reality of this deal. When we shook, we said that I would lend you some of my power, in exchange for you doing as I say when I call on you, remember?" Alrett nods, soaking up everything she's hearing. "What have I called you to do so far?" Miki adds, looking at her servant for her response. Arlett responds without needing to think, "Only for practicing using your magic, both last night and earlier tonight, right?"

Miki nods, continuing, "Right. But in truth, that isn't what I had in mind when I set that condition. I came to you because I needed someone from the material plane, and you happened to be the first person I saw who interested me. You were surprisingly willing to agree to the deal, but I'm not complaining." Memories of that night flash back to Arlett, remembering the presence behind her as she finished the commissioned painting. Miki stops floating, landing in front of Arlett and staring into her eye as she announces, "The reason I came looking for someone was for a deal. A bet, you could say." The ambient noise of grass rustling and the breeze waving across the field disappears as Miki continues, "I made a bet with someone from my world. We would each choose someone from your world to grant power, and that we would see who could have a stronger warlock.".

The rest of the world seems greyed out to Arlett, who's taking in Miki's announcement. She's adopted a more serious face than she had in a long time. "And so here we are, I'm training you, they're somewhere out there training their own servant." Miki continues, "I'm thankful you're not too demanding or difficult about this deal of ours, most humans tend to be." Many questions jump to Arlett's mind, but she decides to keep them to herself. Miki stops her explanation abruptly, tilting her head in a curios manner. "Go on, ask away, Darling." Miki encourages her servant, "You have a certain look when you want to ask questions."

Arlett nods eagerly, taking a breath before she starts her curious stammering. "How will you decide who wins the bet?" She starts, fairly sure she already knows the answer. Miki responds quickly, "Last warlock alive." It's to the death? It's what Arlett expected, but it still gave her a chill when she heard it aloud. "How long do we have?" She continues, less sure of the answer her master will give to this one. A moment passes as Miki closes her eyes to think. "He's a chaotic one, for all I know he could have sent his servant to hunt you. We agreed to pick one person in this settlement. Erith, was it called?" Arlett nods, a little unnerved at the realization that she could be being hunted as she sleeps. Miki continues, "We decided to have you both hunt each other. Makes it a bit more fun to watch, and it also tests dedication. Luckily..." Arlett puts a foot back as she leans away from the demon's now approaching eyes. "I'd say I got pretty lucky. You seem to like me. Why's that, darling?" Miki teases.

"Did you have other servants before me?" Arlett blurts out a question that caught in her throat. It didn't make any sense, but it hurt to feel like just another person in her master's games. There was an ache that started rising since Miki mentioned that she came to Arlett over a deal and not because she meant something. It shouldn't be there. This wasn't some fantasy where she could be a hero or have an adventure about herself. It's just reality. 'Get out of your head. Stop thinking like that, Ari.' She kept repeating this in her head as Miki answered, her master's tone a bit more curious than with the other questions, "No, actually. Everything I know about all this business with trading service for power? About how the deals typically go? Just what I've learned from books, scrolls, or stories. I'm new to this whole thing, just like you."

Arlett feels herself wash over with relief. 'No you can't feel this way, stop. That doesn't mean you're special, you're just the first of many.' Arlett looks up at the demon's face for the first time since her rambling in her head. Emotionless, the expression on Miki's face matches that of the dream's landscape. The entire world is grey, the sky now white. Arlett's mind goes blank as a hint of fear creeps in. 'Can she still hear my thoughts?..' She thinks to herself, unintentionally standing as still as stone.

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