chapter 17

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I make breakfast.A chocolate toast.I mean it's still good for myself.I eat it and trying to be proud of my handmade toast.
I miss his cooking.

Since yesterday,he never come home or called me.Yeah I admit it's my fault for throwing my emotion to him in the public too.Now I worry about him.Many question stuck in my head.
Where is he now?
Is he angry or sad?or happy?
Should I give him a call?

"Of course,you idiot!Even it's fake at least care for him!"

I said to myself while searching for his contact on my phone.

This is it,
let's be brave.

*Beep* *beep*


I'm so glad that he take it.

"Lucas!Ummm where are you right now?"

"Why do you want to know?"

Ouch.My heart kinda hurt hearing this.

"Because I worry about you.Look, I'm so sorry for my behavior yesterday.I was out of control and couldn't hold it.I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness but at least tell me where you are right now,please?"

I said hoping that he tell me his location.I need to see him.
Once again,my heart throb when I hear his sighting.

"I give you some space for your crush and you want to know where am I right now?What?You gonna come here and date me?You ridiculous."

It's hurt and I can't expect these word come from him.I try to hold my tears.I can't let my emotion eat me again.

"Lucas I'm just....Trying to fix this problem with you..."

"Haha.Fix?You should go date your crush right now.You want my help right? I'm helping you.I'll go back to the hotel after your date.Tell me when it's over.No lie."

Then he hang up.

I fucked up.
What am I gonna do right now?sigh I should date Charlie right.
I date him.

After I give Charlie a call about the date,he quickly say yes and I'm not even suprised.

I wait him at the nearby cafe while watching the view.The view is so good and that make my heart calm.
It's must be good if I have a walk with him.

"Hey Eve!Wait so long?"

He said while grabbing the seat so he can sit down.
Man, he's handsome.I'm not gonna lie about that.Every girl will drool for him.

"Earth to Eve..."

He wave his hand in front of me make me realize.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"No problem.Where's your husband?"

He look around probably searching for him.I shook my head.

"He not here..."


"Probably still angry know.."


Then again,silent.There's no conversation between us since I'm always the first to start it.My mind mess up right now that I don't even know what to talk to him.

"Eve,are you sure you want a date?"

He asked me.Well,kinda surprising that he ask me that since he's a playboy.

"I-i don't know...I want to but I can't stop thinking about the mess I make.I'm so dumb."

I said while brushing my hair.It's not that I don't want a date of course I want it especially from Charlie.But today.I'm gonna skip this.
For our both sake.

"Charlie,I am so sorry but I need to find him.I worry-"

"Oh,it's okay.You really need to find him and talk to him."

He said with a smile.Yes, he's perfect.
But not the right time to thinks about it.

"Thank you,bye."

He wave his hand at me when I swing the door open.
Now, it's time to find him.
Wait,how can I find him?
I don't even know this place.
Should I search him at every hotel?
What if he with another..girl!?

"Haha no.Don't think about that."

I grinned like an idiot person.After a few second didn't know where to find him,
my heart suddenly telling me to go the place where I hurt him.

When I reach there,I saw him,sitting at the bench while watching the sea.

I slowly approached him since I don't want to disturb his view.

"What do you want,Eve?"


Well,look like he know it's me.

"Lucas....Can I sit with you?"

I said with a soft voice hoping that he accept it.


I quickly sit beside him and without any words,we stare at the view.
Not gonna lie,the view is really pretty.

"I know you want to talk about yesterday."

I jumped a little when he started speaking.


Silent again.

"I'm so sorry Lucas..."

"......You know,it just a waste for you to apologize since our marriage is contract and you really want to be with him."

My heart broke into piece.It is really my fault.I should've date him.I can't hold my tears anymore and I hate when he saw me.
He'll I'm weak.

"So,I forgive you but-"

He stop as he saw me crying mess.

"Hey,stop.crying okay?I've already forgive you..."

"I'm sorry for making you hurt...."

He hug me and pat my back softly.His embrace is really warm.Honestly,I wish this moment will never end.


He said while grabbing my face with his two hand facing him.

"It's okay.What important is you realize your mistake and you're asking for my forgiveness.It's a good thing."

He said while wiping my tears.

"Let's go back to the hotel.Shall we?"

He smile.

I nodded my head and smile back at him.

While we're walking,I hold his hand and suprisingly he hold it back but more tightly.I mean,he's my husband so guess holding hand is good.

Even he's not my real husband.

To Be continue


Hello,I'm backkk
So how you're doing?
I hope you're doing good.
Actually I have something to tell you.Before I have this account,I actually have my first account but sadly I forgot it and of course theres a story.Even there's no owner in the account, I will be really happy if you can read it.

Even there's no owner in the account, I will be really happy if you can read it

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So this is it!Wait,I realize that his name also Lucas...Did I obses with this name or what💀
Never mind,it's another Lucas.

Stay safe and warm y'all 🍬🍬

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