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It was raining last night and I have a really good mood.I don't think twice and just dancing there happily while Lucas scolded me to get in the house.I ignore him then he just let me dance.
Now I'm sick.But I don't regretted it...It's fun.

"You rest and then eat, okay?"

Lucas said then walking to the door.But I have a question.

"How about your work?"

"Is it important right now?"



"At least someone can take care of me."

But I don't like to get sick.I feel dizzy...Maybe I have a fever?
*Touch forehead"

"It's hot."

My body feel weak..I wonder how long I dancing?

"Here's your food."

"Thank you."

His cooking always GOOD.

"How long am I dancing?"

"Half an hour."


That's long?No wonder why I get fever.The rain is heavy too.

"But you know,you don't need to take care of me."


"Your work is important and I just disturb it.. Sorry."

"Well,it's important.But you more important.Especially your health."

I'm important?Is he flirting with me?!

"Umm..Of course my health is important."

"If you need anything you can call me."

"Where are you going?"

"Clean the house."

"But you must be tired so rest first."

"It's okay."

He really have a lot of energy.He make his work until night or midnight and now he clean this big damn house by himself.I mean I clean this house too but that's my only work.I don't have a job so....Hehe.

"I sleep now.My head really heavy."

I close my eyes hoping have a good dream.


"There's a kid and still alive!"

I saw a man rush at me..Do you want to save me?My head..Why....I can't see properly...

"Hey kid,are you okay?Don't worry I save you."

Save me?Save my mom and dad too.Mom...Dad...why can't I speak?My mouth is heavy too.Am I...Dead?

"Hey,Wake up!Hey-"

My eyes open and I'm...Crying?

"Are you okay?You crying.."

"Is that a dream?"


I really hope to have a good dream.But still I have that dream again.

"Is anything wrong?You're crying.."

"Why am I dream that again?It's feel so real..."

I'm really crying right now.But more suprisely,Lucas hug me.Well I really need a hug right now so I hug him back.

"I don't know what's your dream is but...Don't worry.I'm here."

His word feel warm and I feel save in his hand.

After a few minute I stop crying and realise our hug.

"Thank you so much for the hug.I really need it..."

"You're welcome.If you okay,can I know what's your dream?"

I just look at him.Why?Because no one ask this question before.Not even from my parents.I feel like he really care to me...

"It's okay if you don't want to-"

"I have an accident."


"When I opened my eyes,I saw a lot of blood.In front of me,there's man and a woman and I called them mom and dad.I don't know why I called them that.I shout then I woke up.It's from my previous dream.My dream now...A man save me.I want to tell him to save my parents but my mouth feel heavy.Not just my mouth,my head and my body feel weak too.After that,I pass out.When I woke up,I realized that I'm crying."

Lucas just keep silent.

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

"It's okay.Your hug make me calm and actually....You the first one I told about this.."

"Wow,I feel appreciate."

We just keep silent until Lucas start talking.

"You know...Mabe that dream can be a reality...A dream can be a sign from our present or past.If it's from past and we don't remember it,it's mean the dream want us to remember something really important."


"Yes.Like,maybe there's someone special?Who's know."

His word...I'm touch.Maybe the dream want me to remember the past?

"Why did you always saying that my clip hair is pretty?"

"I can't?"

"No I'm just asking.."

"You will understand later."


"So....Do want to rest or not?Your eyes look sleepy."

"Of course.I rest now."


Then Lucas left the room probably continuing the work.He can just answer me but he said I understand later?Who's care.I close my eyes hoping a good dream.Well I don't have a dream.It's good than having a bad dream.

Lucas's POV:

I hate when I see you crying but.....I hope you remember from the dream.

"Dream can be beautiful....And bad.Especially if it's from our own reality.What really hurt is,that we forgot about it and it was really special for us."


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