Part 2

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Sherlocks POV
We arrived, I was getting very excited.
J- sherlock, just look a bit less excited
S- but John, murder
I grabbed his hand and pulled him along. Sally was no where to be seen, I'm hoping she has been sacked. Apparently I aren't that lucky, Sally is ill, hopefully a life threatening disease, maybe (hopefully) she will end up with Molly.
J- what are you smiling about?
S- what... oh nothing
J- not more murder I hope, you've got a brand new one right here
S- yes, so hurry up
I walked into the room, the body had been moved again which I wasn't to happy about but it gave me something to do tomorrow and Molly was a help, sometimes. Actually very rarely.
J- so, anything yet?
I didn't speak for a while without even realising. The truth was I couldn't really get anything again.
S- J-John I can't see anything
J- what do you mean
S- I can't see anything, I don't know anything
He walked over to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and squeezed.
J- just look, you'll see something and will be up all night thinking about it, just look more sherlock
I nodded and looked. Then I saw it.
S- look another small window
J- I told you that you needed to look more
I walked over to the wardrobe, lots of dresses, a woman again.
S- it's a woman
I think he already knew this but he was just listening to me, being nice as usual, he's always nice. Lestrade knocked on the door and walked in.
L- no fingerprints or anything again, a gun shot wound in exactly the same place-
S- exactly the same place?
L- we're pretty sure, you will have to compare the bodies tomorrow. So, anything?
S- N-
J- He's still looking
I glanced at him gratefully.
L- okay, I'm going now
J- bye Greg
I nodded my head his way. When he was gone I shook my head at John.
S- lets go, I'll find out more tomorrow
J- I want to come with you one time, like tomorrow but I've got a big operation
S- it's fine, I'll tell you everything I find out okay?

Lestrade was right, the wound was in exactly the same place. It wasn't just a fluke shot or it wasn't a quick shot, the killer had time to aim is what I'm trying to say. Molly was interested, I explained everything.
M- so you reckon the victims knew
S- possibly, to get a good shot both times in the exact same place
M- how did you know it was murder straight away?
I turned to look at her and raised my eyebrows, she stepped back and frowned.
M- am I missing something?
S- no weapon was found at the scene which means the murderer has it still
She laughed.
M- I feel stupid
S- don't feel stupid, you certainly are not stupid
She got flustered and coughed, walking out of the room. It was a Chinese women, possibly only been on the country for a few months. This must be the work of someone who was good with a gun, probably with a military background, I'll ask John about it later. Molly walked back in.
S- you said the bullet was taken out of both of the bodies?
M- yes, no bullet was left
S- so the killer had time to take a bullet out of the victims body
M- that's terrible
S- Molly you examine the bodies for a living, you can't say anything
I heard her mumble something.
M- without me and my bodies you wouldn't be able to solve most of your cases
S- I heard that
M- I'm still deciding if you were meant to or not
She walked out and came back with the victims jewellery. It was very similar to the other victims jewellery, there was a necklace saying mum and a wedding ring. I shouted to Molly saying I'm ready to go. She walked in, holding my coat.
M- I've decided
S- what?
M- I decided, you were meant to hear me
I rolled my eyes but laughed, she always knew how to make me smile.

Later that day, I got another call from Lestrade, he gave me a link to an article he'd found. I typed it in on my laptop.
A flood in Hong Kong washed out several houses and many were killed. We spoke to Lorna Hill, her only daughter and husband had died in the flood. She said it was horrible, she had moved from England to see the only family that she had left. Unfortunately, Lorna wasn't the only one who lost a family member, thousands of people were killed by the flood.
I stopped reading. If the pattern repeats, the killer is choosing weak victims, possibly ones who are wanting to end their lives, he just does it for them. I must of fell asleep in my chair, my phone was ringing and John wasn't back yet.
L- sherlock, come quick and don't wait for John, the murder has just happened and the body is still here, we heard the shot

4 Murders And A Cup of Tea //completedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora