Chapter 8: Fuck You

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Jack?” Jack didn’t say anything but pulled her in the house, closed the door and kissed her. She smiled a little, kissing him back, snaking her arms around his waist before someone coughed interupting them. They both broke the kiss and looked over to the side seeing Ethan. “So.. are you both two.. A thing now..?” He asked quietly, playing with his sweater paws. They both smiled awkwardly before moving back from each other, the girl letting go of his waist. “Sorta.. It’s complicated..” Jack said, scratching behind his neck a little.

Ethan just nodded a little before walking over to Ariana hugging her. The girl hugged him back rubbing his lower back. “Hey Ethan, I brought some things.. It’s in my car. They’re for you.” She whispered into the boy's ear as he nodded. The girl smiled before breaking the hug telling him to sit on the couch which he obeyed. She then went to go get the box and bring it in. Once she closed the door she set it down on the coffee table in the living room.

“So I guess you two live with each other?” She asked as she sat down on the couch as Jack did also sitting next to Ethan. “Yup we do.” Jack replied. The blue haired boy stared at the box before looking up at Ariana as if asking for permission to open the box. The girl smiled and nodded and that’s all it takes before the boy quickly grabs it and opens it.

What was inside made Ethan’s eye’s go big and sparkly, there was a bunch of cat toys, a fuffy cat tail, cat ears, a blue and white collar, and a special blanket. The boy squealed and mewled as he stared at it all. “Do you like it?” The girl asked which the reapons she got was him crawling over to her quickly licking her hand purring happliy as he rubbed his head against her cheek.

She giggles petting his head gently, Jack watches smiling. “Hey buddy, do you want to put some of the stuff on?” Jack asked to which the boy looked up at Jack before meowing. Ariana picked up the boy off her lap, setting him down on the couch before taking out the tail, ears, and collar. The boy sat down like how a cat would, looking up at the objects she was carrying.

“Buddy can you go stand up and turn so your side is facing me?” The boy obeyed getting on all fours waiting pationtly for her to put the stuff on. “Jack can you put his tail on while I get his ear’s and collar on?” She asked and Jack nodded, taking the fluffy tail.

Jack clipped the tail to his pants as the girl put the ears on the boy’s head. She then wrapped the collar around his neck making sure the collar wasn’t too tight before snapping it together. “There, all done!” She then picked the boy up carrying him over to the bathroom to look in the mirror. “Hey buddy, look in the mirror.

Do you like it?” The boy stared at himself in the mirror for a bit before looking up at Ariana rubbing his head against her cheek a little. “I guess he likes it.” Jack said, standing at the entrance of the bathroom smiling.

A few hours later while Ethan was sleeping in his room, Ariana and Jack were in the living room making out again. They just can’t stop, they’re just really horny mother fuckers. “Hey Jack?” The girl said breaking the kiss for a little feeling a hard bump rubbing against her thigh a little. “Yeah..?” The boy said feeling a little dizzy. The girl looked down seeing the boy's crotch. The boy was hard, “Shit..” She mumbled as Jack looked down at the same place quickly grabbing a pillow covering his crotch.

“Umm.. did you just get hard from us making out?” The girl asked looking up into the boy’s eyes who were trying to look at anywhere else at not at her eyes. The boy didn’t answer because he was so embarrassed about what happened that he covered his face with his hands. Ariana smiled softly at him before grabbing his hands gently pulling them away from his face. “I guess that was a yes?” The boy stayed quiet, his cheeks looking like a tomato. She peck his lips before picking the boy up which he quietly screamed at. "W-what what are you doing?"

He stutterd out as grabbed on to her shoulders. "Relax I'm just taking you to the bathroom so you can you know get it soft down there." She laughed out quietly as she walked over to the hallway to go to the bathroom. Once they reached the bathroom the girl set the boy down. "Now get in the shower while I go make myself something to eat."

"Hey what about me?" He asked pretending to be mad. "This is your house right?" She stared at him for a little before giggling. "I'm kidding I'm kidding ok? Now go take your shower." She said as she closed the door. The boy sighed turning to look over at himself in the mirror. He smiled to himself until he started to feel pain in his lower regions he quickly walked over to the shower and turned on. "Fuck you." He said pointing the middle finger at his crotch.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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