The Kitten Scold

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School has ended so everyone in the school were leaving as Jack and Crystal were struggling to get Ethan into the car. “Ethan come on I know you want to sit in my lap in the front but you can’t you have to sit with Alex in the back.” Jack said, trying to convince Ethan who was struggling in his arms clawing at Jack's shirt as if he had claws. “Hey Jack!” someone yelled from behind. Everyone turned their head to the source and they saw a girl with long red and pink hair. “Ariana?” Crystal yelled back.

“Hi Crystal um.. And you..” Ariana said, looking over at Jack. “You’re Jack right?” “Yeah.. and aren’t you that girl from that grocery store I saw a few days ago?” “Yeah.. My name is Ariana and thanks for the hair color ti-.” Suddenly Ethan moved his legs and accidentally wacked Jack in the crotch making the boy drop the blue haired. “Shit!” Jack said holding on to his crotch while The blue haired boy then crawled over to Ariana slowly looking up at her. “Hi?” The girl said kinda confused on why Ethan was crawling.

The boy suddenly tried to jump on her meowing wanting something, Ariana looked slowly up at the 2 until looking back down and picking up Ethan. The boy calmed and layed his head against her shoulder purring. Ariana looked up at both of them again seeing both the boy and girl looked confused and shocked.

“Do you guys.. Need to get going somewhere..?” “Oh yeah, Could you help us bring Ethan into the car.. Or maybe if it isn't too much trouble could you come with us? He seems very calm with you holding him? I mean as long as you’re not busy or anything.” Jack asked and Ariana nodded and walked closer to them. “Sure I don’t really have anything to do anyways.

Oh wait.. I have a car.. How about I take him into my car and I will follow you guys where you’re going?” “Ok sure.. And how are you so calm about this? Aren’t you confused or wondering what’s wrong with you know.. Ethan?” The boy replied as Crystal opened the car door and sat in the passenger's seat. “Oh I know what’s going on my Ex had this she also had little space too.. I miss her..” She said, mumbling the last few words. “Anyways I’ma go take Ethan to my car so we can go bye.” She walked over to her car with Ethan in her arms while Jack gets into the driver's seat of the car and then they drove out of the parinking lot with Ariana following behind.


“Okay so.. You had an Ex that was a little?” Crystal asked as she sat down on the couch as also the rest did. They were at Alex’s house, because well no one was here and they didn’t need anyone else finding out about the 2 boys. “Yeah I did.. I dated her 2 years ago.. She was so cute when she was little.. Her little self was named Gigi. Also her Kitty self was also adorable. We would cuddle for hours in either her little space or her Kitty space.” She said, smiling fondly remembering it while she was petting Ethan's head.

He has been in her lap for more than an half an hour already. “Mwommy!” Crystal turned her head seeing Alex holding his stuffies. “Yes sweetie?” She asked as Alex walked closer. “Cwan me plway wit twe Kwitty?” He asked, pointing at Ethan. “I don’t know sweetie.. Maybe you should ask him if wants to play. But if he doesn’t I think Jake would also love to play with you.” She said looking over at Jake who was just on his phone. “Jake.” The pink redhead called.The boy immediately looked up.”What?” He said confused. All the sudden Ethan hissed out of nowhere and they all looked towards that direction seeing Alex eyes welling up in tears.

Crystal ran over to the boy and picked up cradling him walking out of the room going upstairs. “It’s ok baby.. It’s alright.” Everyone heard her say and then there was a distance of a door closed and the house was silent again. Jack walked closer to the blue haired and picked him up. “Ethan, we need to give you a time out. Now let’s go find a room to-” Jack cuts himself off when he sees Ariana giving a stern look. She gets up from her spot walking over to Jack moving her hands out.

“What?” Jack asked, confused. “He didn't time out, he was just scared and didn’t want Alex to touch him. How do you not know anything about taking care of a cat when you've been with him for how long? Years? I’m sorry but that’s not what you should do to a cat. I have been taking care of a cat/little for a few years and I know how they would act. Now if you don’t mind give me Ethan while I give him a little talk and comfort him. He needs to get used to new people, so he won’t be so scared and won’t act like he just did.” Jack stays quiet for a bit looking down at Ethan seeing he’s staring at Ariana. He then sighs, laying Ethan in the girl's arms. “Thank you.” The girl then walks back over to the couch and sits down sitting Ethan down on her lap.

“Ethan.. Buddy.. You’re fine, Alex didn’t mean to scare you ok.. He just wanted to pet you and ask you if you wanted to play with him.. Ok bun?” She says this while petting the boy's head gently. His respons was purring and meowing, tipping his head to the side where her hand is giving her more access to his head. Jack just watches the interaction being taken place. “Now I’m gonna take you Alex ok.. I promise he won’t hurt you, it's ok. He won’t do anything bad, just act calm and don’t hiss ok?” He meows to her response as she stands up holding the boy carrying him upstairs. Jack stands there in silence, rethinking everything that just happened. “Did I just get scolded on how bad of a caretaker I am by a girl I just met a few days ago..?


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