Chapter 3: Little Baby Muscle Pig Alex

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A week later on a Saturday Crystal was at Alex's house. Alex's parents weren't or even never home, they were so busy with work that the only time he gets to see them is at breakfast. But don't worry Alex's parents were not the type that would ignore and don't care for him.

They actually love him so much that his mom before she leaves for work makes him his dinner so that after school Alex didn't have to make anything for himself. They always hug him tightly before they leave for work too.

Anyways Alex was basically running around the room jumping up and down. Crystal tried to calm him down but he didn't listen until she started talking to him with a very serious tone but as he calls it the scary voice. "Alex Park! Stop running around or you will get a time out!" She said a little loudly and Alex stopped immediately sitting on the floor looking up at her.

"Swowwy Mama.." He said with a little sadness looking down. Crystal's facial expression softens as she walks over to him. She kneeled down, hugged him while starting to rub his back and petting his head with her other hand. "It's okay baby.. it's just.. well I didn't want you to trip or something and hurt yourself." She says softly, still petting his head gently.

He starts to feel sleepy from the head pets feeling himself go deeper into headspace. "Mama.." He mumbles quietly, snuggling his head against her collar bone. "Yes baby?" She asked him as she stopped petting him for a bit and he whined a little but doesn't complain. She chuckles a little and starts petting him again. "Baby you gotta tell me what you want." She said in a little teasing voice.

He whines again looking up at her, his eyes big as saucers sparkling in the light. She cooed at him. "Baby, how old are you? Show me with your fingers." He stares at her trying to understand everything she says. "You can't understand? Oh baby are you 1? Oh so cute!" She smiles at him as she claps her hands in front of him. He slowly smiles back, giggling and clapping with her. After a little she stops realizing that any minute now he might go to the bathroom in his pants. "Here baby lets go change you.".

She said in soft way as she picked him which was surprisingly very easy. He weighed a little lighter than she expected him to. But can you blame her? He looked like he could weigh a little more pounds for being a muscle pig like that famous k-pop star named Jungkook. "Oh fuck- I just relized he seems like that adorable bunny boy way to much." She said in her head smiling as she taked Alex to the bathroom.

After Crystal changed him and put some comfortable pajamas on Alex shs carried him to the bed laying hjm down. Alex looks up at her with droopy eyes. Crystal giggled a little at how cute and adorable he looked while feeling sleeping. She petted his head after she layed down with him and covered them both. The adorable boy closed his eyes a little later soon falling asleep in her arms.

"Cute baby.. I hope some guy will find you cute and love you more than me.. I mean I only love you as a friend.. but I want that guy to love you differently than a friend would." She whipered to him stopping her petting while she just holds him."Good Alex.." Shs whispered closing her eyes too following insute to dream land.


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