Chapter 58

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Alaric's POV

Where is she?

I am distracted and one of my opponents scratches my ribs.

Dropping the dead lycan in front of me, I turn to give attention to the other two.
They are fast, but I am faster and decapitate both of their heads in one clean strike before turning and kicking one of the two charging at me while twisting the other's neck.

Aedion was right. These enhanced lycans are much stronger than we are used to, and perhaps I should have let him enhance me.

But I could not risk consumption.

However, we are outnumbered ten to one and I wonder how the others are fairing.

And Blayze.

I know that she is still alive, I can still faintly feel her over our bond, but who knows what condition she is in.

I have to find her.

Another fool charges straight at me in an easily thwarted attack and I quickly rip his head off before turning my attention back to the one I kicked. He is a better fighter than the others and manages to land a solid hit to my scratched ribs before I break his leg.
When I feel another presence behind me, I turn with a roundhouse kick that connects with a face before returning to the limping lycan.

Normally, I would relish this fight, but they have Blayze. I have to finish them as quickly as possible.

I smell him before I see him ripping one of our warriors apart.

There he is.

I quickly kill off my opponent before running in his direction. Another lycan tries to attack me, but she is too slow and I sever her head after ripping off her arm.

His eyes are now fixed on me.
The growl that rips through me at the sight of the man who hurt Blayze bellows through the battlefield.

He will die tonight.

He smiles at me and I pause. He is antagonising me. Hoping I make a mistake. No, I have to be smart about this. Especially since I do not know where he has her.

"It is like looking into a more barbaric mirror." He mocks.

"Where is she?"

"He speaks!" Alastair proclaims joyously.

"After all of these years. I was beginning to wonder if you were mute." He continues.
Is he stalling?

"Fate is a funny thing pairing a creature such as yourself with a goddess like Nova.
I mean, Blayze."
How could he know that? He spoke to her?

I am aware of the battle raging around us. Lycans dying while we talk. But if listening to him blabber will help me find her, then listen I will.

Only he is done talking. He comes at me lightning fast. I dodge, but he manages to scratch my face.
Blayze isn't going to like that.
I charge at him as fast as I can but barely connect with his jaw before he grabs my arm and throws me over.

I land on my feet, but he is on me faster than I can blink, pummeling my face in. Damn it.

I can't draw this fight out. If I don't fight back, he is going to kill me.

Managing to throw him over, I stand up, feeling the effects of every hit I took. He rises in a fluid motion with his usual sardonic smile.
Wasting no time, he comes at me. I grab his hand before landing a flying knee to his jaw.
I get two solid punches in before he catches my fist and twists my arm, but I catch his leg with my other arm as he attempts to kick at me.

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