Chapter 26

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"What the fuck just happened?" Prince Braeden's growl is enough to snap me back to reality.

The reality where I am surrounded by not one, not two, but three packs of lycans who now hate me.
A few snarls can be heard from some of the Mikrets.

"You're a witch!" The accusation is so harsh, I almost flinch. Does Princess Renho hate witches? That is new.

"Not just any witch, she's a bloody murderer." If I thought Princess Dawn, hated me before, her hatred has increased tenfold.




The scathing labels burned into my conscious. This time their hatred is warranted; I am the villainess. The most hated witch in history. And I did deceive them. To be fair, it was none of their business.

It was only a matter of time. I knew they would find me, I just thought I had more time.

Did I really just demand a trial of kings? That is insanity. The shifters hate me just as much as the witches and I've pissed off enough powerful vampires in my time.

I am dead either way. Only with a trial of kings, all of my dirty laundry will be aired for the whole world. Shit. This is the problem with talking before you can think.

I feel Alaric's hand on my arm. Then my other arm. "Nova-Cielle Vermillion; by the power vested in me by the lycanthrope government, I hereby take you into custody awaiting a trial by kings." And just like that, my heart shatters.


It shouldn't hurt so much. He is just doing his job. He cuffs my hands behind me and leads me into the Manor silently.

I risk a glance over at Kailani who looks confused. Valdus has a tight grip on her as he gives me a determined look. I know that look. He better not do anything stupid. I told him this would happen; he just has to accept it.

Another hard shove from Alaric has me almost tripping as I walk into the now imposing Manor.

This is what I get for allowing myself to forget.

"Keep your mouth shut. Do not talk to a single person until your trial. Even then do not mention a word about being mine, do you hear me?" The dominance seeping out of him with every word is suffocating. I could not talk even if I wanted to.
I can feel his command settling in every muscle. The pressure ever-present in my jaw muscles.

How can I answer if I'm not allowed to talk?

"Good." Wait, does he not realise he commanded me? How is he even able to command me? I thought lycans couldn't give an alpha command.

Oh, great. I can't even talk now. What am I supposed to do? Shit.

He leads me downstairs to the basement. I have never been here before. It looks like an armoury. Walking past the displays of weapons ranging from ancient to modern, he finally stops me in front of a prison cell.

"Not a word, Nebula." He reiterates before shoving me in it.

So silent I remain.
Even when the Mikret bitches came down to mock and laugh at me. Even when I had to shit in a bucket they threw in there for me. I kept quiet when the blonde bitch spit at me when I was finally being transferred.

Not by my own will. I realised pretty early that trying to fight the command was no good. But when have I ever learned. I kept trying, and even once almost succeeded, but I passed out.

As awful as my conditions were, they only got worse. The prison cell was a decent living quarters compared to the Court of Kings dungeon.

The guards are cruel and wouldn't even give me a bucket. Or water. I feel like a dying rat. I know they intentionally did this to degrade me, but I can take it.

What I can't take is what happens next. I don't know the proceedings of a trial like this, they so rarely happen and, lets face it, I never cared.

Will I even get a chance to say goodbye?
What was the last thing I said to Valdus? I can't remember.

If I knew that conversation would have been our last, there is so much more I would have said. I would have thanked him for all the years he has remained by my side, as my protector and my best friend. I would have told him how much I loved him.


Is that why I can feel when some people are about to die and not others? Would telling them allow them to say their goodbyes? To get their affairs in order? Would they do everything they've ever wanted to do?

Maybe they would have been better off if I had told them.

Who gets my gift when I die? Will Kai? Wait, what if he already has it? Why have I just assumed I am the only one connected to the orb?

I sigh.
Thinking of Kai brings up so many regrets. Too many regrets. Too many things left unsaid.
I wish I could know the man he grew up to be. I wish I could tell him all about our family.
I wish I would have been his big sister. Instead I was consumed with being the dark sorceress.

The pounding in my head interrupts my thoughts. I am certain a human would have been dead by now.
How long have I even been down here?

Not once have they visited.

I hate that I went there. I shouldn't even be thinking of them, but I am. I doubt Valdus or Kailani were even allowed to come here, but surely Alaric and his pack have access.

I guess they are well and truly done with me. I get why.

It doesn't make it hurt any less.

And I suppose Alaric finally erased the blemish on his record. He finally arrested me.
In a sick way I am proud of him.

Pathetic, right?
I am about to die and here I am thinking about a man who does not want me. Who does not even want anyone to know he's my fated. I guess it would hurt his chances at his precious crown if word got out.
Well, he can go fuck off. I'm tired of competing with a crown. It will always be his first priority. I could never live like that.

Why am I talking like a woman with options? As if I have a future?
That's the problem with Alaric, isn't it? He makes me forget my fate; he makes me imagine a future.

I should have just fucked him and got it over with. Who cares if he sleeps with someone else? I'll probably be dead anyway.

And yet I still feel that pang in my chest at the thought of him with someone else.

So maybe I indulge myself.

I imagine Alaric outside training with a little girl with curls like mine, and a boy with my eyes. I imagine Kai and his fated living not too far away, and Alaric letting the kids go play with their cousins after training. Arya and Aces's kids would probably be older than them, maybe hanging out with Valdus and Lani's. Or out forming their own packs.

Once a week I'd make a huge dinner and have everyone over. We'd be happy in our little cul de sac.

I drift off into the darkness with a smile on my face, thinking of a future that will never be.


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