Chapter Two

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As raindrops slowly started to soak my hoodie, I secured my helmet on my head and wheeled my bike out of the garage, before cycling down the road.

I didn't mind that my teeth were chattering in the cold, snuggling with my boyfriend Bane in a few minutes, was enough motivation to keep me going.

Three years ago, I met Bane Callahan during a Math League that was hosted by his university. Being the student president of his department, he was stuck with giving us high schoolers a mini-tour of the campus.

I remember first seeing him and thinking that his eyes were beautiful, and then I went ahead to tell him in the worst way possible.

I blurted that his eyes were like my dead dog's blue ones, and only realized how bad it sounded after it was already out. Bane replied with a thank you, and then we burst out laughing. When I couldn't get the sound of his laughter out of my head for two days, I knew I had it bad.

"Sierra you better ask him out before you develop IED and die." Callie, my then best friend had told me with a roll of her eyes.

And then I did.

It had been heaven ever since.

Bane's pale grey house slowly came into view as I paddled down the road. The wind picked up on soft background music playing, as I carelessly parked my bike on the lawn and sprang up the steps, to the front door of the house.

I knocked about six times and poked the doorbell twice before I finally heard heavy feet padding across the living room. Bane's amazing scent flooded my nose as the door clicked open. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a crisp white shirt.

"Hey babe," he greeted with an easy smile, before swiping at my cheek with his forefinger. "You're freezing. You could have called and I would have driven over to get you."

"I couldn't spend another second in that house," I groaned and he nodded in understanding.

The sound of Taylor Swift's singing filled my ear and I laughed. "Is that T-Swift?"

Bane always complained whenever he heard my playlist, Taylor Swift songs included. So it was a bit comical hearing it pound from the speakers.

His eyebrows jutted up playfully. "I was just trying to find my birthday spirit and now my secret is out."

"I won't tell anyone, I promise," I dug out the lemon gift-wrap from the pocket of my hoodie and handed it to him. "Happy birthday Bane."

Yep, we shared the same birthday. It was one of the million of things that made us so perfect for each other.

"Thanks, I'll open this when I give you your own gift upstairs. Happy birthday to you, babe." His blue eyes twinkled as he kissed the top of my head, making my stomach flutter.

I grinned. "So, you gonna let me in or do I have to freeze first?"

He threw his head back and laughed with electrifying joy that made my blood bubble, "I was lost. Just thinking about how lucky I am to have such an amazing girlfriend."

"Lord, we're becoming that cheesy couple." I cringed.

He laughed and grabbed my hand. Squeezing it gently, he led me into the living room.

"No one's home. You should try this ice cream cake my mom sent," he said, pulling open the refrigerator. "Haven't had any yet but it looks pretty good."

"You're acting kind of strange. Are you falling sick?" I asked as I kicked off my Converse.

"No, why?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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