"Just how many encounters have you had?" Aldertree asks and I groan internally.

"Just two. The first time I threw a dagger into his neck, you'll see the scar for proof if you ever get face to face with him." Aldertree watches me, glances to Raj and the other man, then back at me. The expression on his face isn't filling me with much hope.

"You lied to a Clave Representative. You have been injected with something by a rogue shadowhunter, one who has a reputation of demonic experimentation. You, Maelys, cannot be trusted." Aldertree takes another step. "You are dismissed from duties until I am confident that what Valentine did hasn't compromised you."

My blood runs cold and I feel my shoulders sag. Dismissed? How can he dismiss me? I've done everything the Clave has asked from me, I've done everything right by them. How is it fair that this is the outcome.

"Raj will be monitoring you and reporting to me each day. If you are to feel anything out of the ordinary, you will inform me. If you are to act out of the ordinary, Raj will inform me. You will not leave the Institute until I deem you fit for service again. You will not walk through the Institute without Raj. You will not interact with shadowhunters whilst they are working. Do you understand?"

Aldertree's words seem to become a blur, like I'm listening to him whilst underwater. Clary has taken so much from me since she arrived. And now she has reached a new level. My hands ball into fists and my jaw clenches as I try my hardest to calm the burning rage within. I am going to kill Clary Morgenstern.

"Do you understand, Maelys?" Aldertree repeats. I blink.

"Yes," I say through gritted teeth.

"Good, then you may leave."

I raise my bound wrists, giving Aldertree a look. He gives me a long stare before he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his stele. He runs it over the handcuffs, releasing me from them. He backs and as soon as I can, I stand, heading straight for the door. As soon as I'm out of Aldertree's office, I'm storming towards the ops centre. I hear Raj right behind me, but I ignore him, only one thought on my mind. I am going to kill Clary.

My eyes land on her talking with Jocelyn, and as soon as they're locked on I'm moving. My fists tighten and she turns when I get closer. She says something, but I can't hear it, my anger is consuming me right now. In fact, all I hear is ringing.

I let out a roar as I throw myself at her. She hits the ground with a thud that catches the room's attention, but once again, it's something I ignore. My fist connects with her jaw and she lets out a noise of pain.

"You have fucked me over for the last time," I seethe. Clary struggles beneath me, but my grip is firm.

"Mae, I'm sorry, I just wanted to find Jace," Clary says, continuing to try and break free.

"Which is something I can't do now, thanks to you!" I growl, raising my fist again.

I go to hit her, but someone grabs the back of my top, dragging me off her. I groan as Alec comes into view, a look of anger on his face. He tightens his grip on the back of my top.

"What the hell are you doing?" He whispers to me. My eyes are locked on Clary still. Izzy and Jocelyn are by her side, making sure that she's okay. God, I hate her so damn much.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to beat the shit out of her, so if you'd just let me go," I hiss. Alec's jaw clenches and he leans in a bit closer.

"Are you kidding me, Maelys?"

"I've been dismissed, Alec. And now I've got fucking Raj monitoring and reporting back to fucking Aldertree," I snarl. Alec stares at me for another moment before his jaw ticks. His grip on my top leaves, only for his hand to move to my upper arm.

Monster or Angel - Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now