"Look what you just did Ravonna!" Y/n spat, crying.

"Wait for me at the elevator." Is all she said, looking down at the ground, as they take us away.

We're waiting at the elevator, where she told us to go.

"You okay?" Someone asks beside us. I look, and it's Sylive.

"I've got them from here." Ravonna said to the Minute-Men, a moment later.

The door opens, and we go in.

There was silence for a moment, except for the small cries from Y/n, before Sylive breaks it "Do you remember me?"

"I do." Ravonna said. "What do you wanna say to me, Variant?"

"What was my nexus event? Why did you bring me in?"

"What does it matter?" Ravonna asks.

"It was enough to take my life from me, lead to all of this. Must have been important. So, what was it?"

"I don't remember.." Was the last thing she said, before the elevator doors open, and we're now at what looks to be the Time-Keepers place.

We walk through, seeing two Minute-Men guarding, and three other men at the top, one on the left side, one on the right, and one on the top. And a bunch of stairs to get up to them. "Gracious, Time-Keepers." Ravonna starts.

"As promised, the Variants." She finishes.

"After all your struggle." They sound like an echo around the room "at last, you've arrived before us." One of them said.

"What do you have to say for yourselves before you meet your end, Variants?" Another one asks.

"Is that the only reason you brought us here?" I ask. "To kill us? I've lost track of the number of times I've been killed, so go ahead. Do your worst." I add.

"You and your bravado are no threat to us, Variant." The one on the left speaks.

"Oh, no, I don't think you believe that." Sylive starts "I think you're scared."

"No, Variant. You're nothing but a cosmic disappointment. Delete them." The one on the top says.

"No, I'm not done with you yet." Sylive goes, walking towards them, before she gets teleported back, and the two guards are holding there pruners, and two come behind us out of nowhere.

B-15 comes out of the elevator, and pushes a button that takes off our neck collars.

"For all time.... Always." B-15 says, taking a sword from her hand that's behind her back, throwing it, Sylive catches it.

The two guards start to attack B-15, and she falls on the ground, as I, Sylive, and Y/n put our backs to each other, Sylive on one side, and Y/n on the other with me. "Protect the Time-Keepers!" Ravonna yells.

I punch the guard to my left, and Y/n gets the one on my right, dodging and hitting the guard.

Y/n gets the guard on my right "A little help here?" I ask her as the guard twists me, and kicks me to the ground.

"Here." She says, throwing the guards pruner she took from him, and I catch it. Using it on the other guard also with a pruner.

I prune one guard and another comes and hits my back, then Y/n comes behind and kicks the guard behind me down.

I keep backing up, fighting on the stairs now, as Sylive and Y/n are fighting Ravonna.

Y/n's pov

"You killed Mobius!" I spat at her, as she takes a pruner from a dead guard.

Loki throws the pruner back to me, and I catch it, thanking him, as he is fighting on the stairs, with one guard.

"This time I finish the job." Is all she says.

"Sylive, I can do this alone." I said, as she nods her head, and goes to help Loki.

She tries to hit me with the pruner before I step back. I almost pruned her in the stomach, before she also stepped back.

I almost hit her in the head, before she uses her pruner to stop mine from hitting her.

She pushes me, and I fly back a couple steps. She takes the opportunity and takes me by the shirt, and throws me on the ground.

The pruner is in both our hands, the pruner a couple of inches away from my face, as I try to push it away from me.

I manage to flip the pruner, and her around, now she's on the ground.

I punch her in the face, as she goes unconscious. I look up to see Sylive, and Loki just finishing off with the last guard, on the stairs.

Loki comes down the stairs, all of us catching our breaths "You're a child of the Time-Keepers too, Sylive." One of them says.

"We can talk.." Another says.

"Oh yeah." Sylive says, and Loki gives her back her knife, and she throws it at his head, and his head popped off, rolling down the stairs, right next to mine, and Lokis feet.

Sylive gets out a pruner "Wait." Loki says before she threw it.

Sylive comes down the stairs and grabs his head "Don't." Loki says, as she turns it around and sees wires, and sparks coming out of his head.

"Fake." I said, furrowing my brows, getting a closer look.

"Mindless androids." Sylive adds.

"It never stops." Loki sighed. "Then who created the TVA?"

"I thought this was it." Sylive said, shaking her head, and throwing the head down.

"Y/n..." Loki goes.

"Not another pep talk, please!" I said.

"No, I have to tell you something." He said, getting closer to me.

"We will figure this out." He goes.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"Because, uh.... Well, back on Lamentis... where I disappeared and found Sylive." He starts making motions with his hands, but not saying anything.

"This is new for me. Um..." He starts, still making hand motions, and opening his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"What?" I said.

He puts his hands on my shoulders. "What is it?" I ask.

He opens his mouth again, before he starts to disappear.

He grunted, before disappearing fully.

I start to tear up. First Mobius, now Loki!

I see Ravonna behind where Loki was, holding out her pruner.

Sylive and I look at each other, then back at Ravonna.

Ravonna tries to prune me in the stomach, before I step back, and Sylive takes the chance to grab the pruner from her hands, and puts it right to her throat. She puts her hands up in defeat.

"Do it." She says.

"No." She says.

"I'll do it for you!" I spat, before Sylive pushed me away.

"You're gonna tell us everything." She said, bringing it closer to her throat.

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