✦✧ Chapter 5 ✦✧

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Chapter 5

The flight landed at Vermilion City in night. Ash and Pikachu came out, they were tired from 2 flights in a day. Ash along with Pikachu in his arms slepping ,exited the Airport. He took a Pokeball and throw it.

Pidgeoo !!

Ash: Pidgeot could you take us to Pallet town ??

The flying type nodded and went down. Ash climbed on her back. Pikachu was still asleep in his arms. Pidgoet was flying at high speed in the dark night, the winds were touching Ash's face.

After 2 hour

It was 9: 30 at night, Ash landed in front of house, he returned Pidgoet after saying thank you to her. He knocked at the door which was opened by sleepily Delia but her quickly changed when she saw who was it.

"Mom I.. I ca. can't "

Ash was being hugged by her tightly while Pikachu was already alert of danger, quickly left his sleep and Ash's arms.

Delia removed her arms from his body, and said a sorry about her behavior.

" Come in Ash "

Ash: Mom, I am going to sleep now, I am tired

He said to Delia who was petting Pikachu.

Delia: Alright Ashy, It's already late now.

Ash with Pikachu went to Ash's room. He changed into his night clothes and land on bed with Pikachu within few minutes they were sleeping. Delia went to her room, to rest.

( Note - Already two days passed, from 4 weeks )

The Next Day

Wake up Ash !!

Ash woke up and show, his mother standing in front of him. He looked around and saw Pikachu standing beside Delia with Ketchup bottle.

Delia: Ashy, Get ready the breakfast is almost ready

Ash: Alright, Mom

Delia: okay, get ready soon

Ash took his fresh clothes and went to bathroom. He got ready and came downstairs. He saw Pikachu licking ketchup. He sat on the chair and waited from his food.

Delia came and served his food. He started eating as Delia asked him some question.

Delia: What you are going to do now, Ash

Ash: Mom, I will go Professor Oak's lab but first I need to tell you something.

Delia: What it is Ash, any problem ??

Ash: mom from 4 weeks now, I will battle in Master tournament.

Delia: Yeah, I know that Ash and I wish you would win

Ash: that's why I going to train this all time with my Pokémon alone, somewhere else

Delia: I understand, Ash

Ash give her surprised look, since his mom always say he is careless and can't stsy alone.

Ash: you agree so easily, mom

Delia: Because I know my son wants to win and he will so, why I would him. Ash you will or not but we all support. We know you give you best.

She give him a warm smile. He hugged her which she returned and kiss his forehead. Pikachu joined the hug too.

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