Example (My Character)༄

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Name: Soura Saito
Preferred name: Soura
Nicknames: Sou
Birth gender: Male
Gender identity/pronouns: Male, he/him
Sexuality: Pansexual, asexual
Love interest?: Yes
Face Claim: Jin Akanishi
Hair style, length and color: Brown with a few highlights, neck length, long side bangs.
Eye color: Brown.
Skin tone: Tannish
Age [14-18]: 16
Attire: Red sweater with a white collared shirt under it, khaki's, light red converse.
Accessories: Silver necklace
Scars: A few on his hands just from being stupid.
Hobbies/Skills: Singing, writing, baking.
Personality: Soura has always been reckless. He simply does what he wants with no regard for anyone else who he may be affecting. He doesn't care about himself and stopped caring about others a long time ago. Ironically, he's desperate for someone to care about him. He's a relatively lonely person who just wants someone to understand how he feels, yet he struggles with trying to understand others feelings. He has serious anger issues and suffers from some form of bipolar disorder.
Quote: "If I knew why I hated you, you'd know it too."
Anything extra: N/A
Password: Onigiri

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