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Warning before you proceed! This story contains several triggers topics, such as suicide, mental disorders, vomit, death, etc. Just a warning in case those things bother you.

Hi there! To those who don't know me, it's nice to meet you. My name is Amatsu, and to be honest I don't know what I'm doing.

First off, the entire format for the rules, forms, etc, was inspired by CayleeAje1111 and her new applyfic (which you should go check out even if you're not in it.)

Also, thank you RedPotato1, fl0wers-and-ph0t0s, and, AhoNoChokata for helping me come up with the idea for this story. Love you guys/p.

Ok, now that that's out of the way, rules!

1. Please be respectful. Everyone I've met on this app has been, but I still need to clarify that. Just in case. But I trust you all to be kind.

2. Please make your character interesting. No character is perfect. This entire story revolves around the mental instability of the characters, so it's important to not be perfect anyway.

3. That said, don't make your character the center of adversity. Like... uh... you guys ever been in a story where a character practically begs attention because of how many issues they have? Yeah, please don't do that. If you have no idea what I mean, then chances are you're fine.

4. This is first come first serve, but if your character is one of the two things above, I'll tell you so you can change them. And if you don't change them, you won't be accepted. Password is your favorite food.

5. Try to be active here. This applyfic kinda relies on you guys being active, so it'll be hard to do if you just suddenly die (not literally). If you're going on hiatus, please just let me know and I will work around it.

6. If you change your username at some point, just let me know so that I'm not like "uh, where'd this person go?"
If you delete your account, I won't necessarily delete your character, unless I'm not far enough in for it to have mattered. But like, if I'm on chapter 26 and you just delete your account, I'm not going back through all those chapters to delete your character.

7. Please give me feedback. I need it.

8. There will be questions in each chapter and that's how I'll know if you've been reading (besides just votes and stuff) and paying attention. I feel like a language arts teacher lol. But uh, I just wanna make sure you guys are alive, really.

That's all I have to say. Now onto the form!

A Room With Walls That Make No Sense [Applyfic] CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now