chapter fourteen | kinks and blanket forts

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Cas' blood.

That's what was doing this to him. It must be.

Dean had thought it over every moment since he'd eaten those fries. Hell, he hadn't stopped there. In the past day he'd had at least four burgers and a whole pie. Granted, he'd felt horribly sick after, but it was worth it while it lasted.

Yeah, that's right. The whole effect had worn off just a few hours ago. He could tell the moment his senses heightened back to peak vampiric levels, and blood was at the forefront of his mind again.

"I know you haven't been sleeping well," Cas said, as he quietly opened the door, and stepped inside.

Thoughts askew, Dean looked him right in the eyes, and said, "Maybe if you joined me in bed it wouldn't be so bad."

Cas smiled, and shut the door behind him. The only light spilling into the room was the moon's. "That's why I'm here."

That's when Dean noticed Cas wasn't in his usual trenchcoat getup. Instead, he simply had on an old band T-shirt and tight underwear.

"You wanna sleep with me?" Dean asked with a smirk, inviting Cas to join him in bed by moving the covers.

"Not in that way," Cas said, much to Dean's delirious disappointment. Still, he made his way over and slid under the covers beside Dean.

"You sure?" Dean asked again.

"I'm sure. I don't think either of us are ready for that."

Dean wrapped his arms around Cas and pulled him close. "Is this okay?" he asked in a whisper.

"It's dark."

"I can see you perfectly," Dean pointed out.

"Well, so can I."

"I didn't realize it was a competition, Cas."

"It--" Their eyes met. "What are you thinking about?"

"Blood. Sex." Dean laughed lowly. "Building a blanket fort."

"That last one seems relatively tame. We could do that, if you'd like."

Dean actually thought about it for a moment. "No, that's okay."

"Anything else?"

"I think I know why fictional vampires sleep in coffins now," Dean said sadly. "It's to avoid everything they can't have; everything they know they'll have to spend all of eternity without."

"I thought it was because they're supposedly undead," Cas said.

Dean rolled onto his back and reached up towards the ceiling. He made a fist in the air. "Whatever. I'm not dead. Sometimes I feel like I am, or that I should be, but I'm not."

"We've both been given life again, several times over. Maybe that makes us both undead."

"Dude, what the crap? I thought you were here to help me sleep, not give me a crisis," Dean said, rolling onto his side so he was facing Cas again. "C'mon, enough talking. Lay your mojo on me."

"It's night. Wouldn't you rather wait until day to sleep?"

"I guess I just want to feel normal," Dean admitted.

"Nothing is normal, Dean," Cas said. "That's what makes life interesting."

Suddenly, Dean felt exposed in just his pajama bottoms. He leaned forward, allowing their foreheads to touch.

"Actually, I changed my mind," Dean whispered. "Let's make a blanket fort."


"What happens in the blanket fort stays in the blanket fort," Dean said solemnly. They'd taken the comforter, sheets, and pillows from the bed, and had also snatched the throw and pillows from the couch downstairs.

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