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Anomalous Hero


So yeah turns out I was able to recover one thing by dint of the draft for this one being in a PM to a friend. Can't remember how this was originally going 100% but I am pretty sure I got most of it sorted.

Chapter 1: Secure

In a dark room a figure in a white coat sat hunched over their desk, writing up the latest interaction between today's test subjects. Overhead a light flickered briefly with an electrical buzzing sound filling the otherwise silent room.



Description: SCP [REDACTED] is a Japanese male, approximately 17 years of age with naturally dark green hair which almost appears black in dim light conditions. Eye coloration is also green and a diamond pattern of freckles is present on each cheek. SCP [REDACTED] will answer to Izuku or Midoriya if called but refuses to be refered to as SCP [REDACTED, even attempting to write their classification number has is become [REDACTED, likely due to a friendship with a certain SCP we are unable to write about.

Classification: SCP [REDACTED] is certainly difficult to classify under standard containment procedures but falls both in KETER and APOLLYON while acting more SAFE than either rating would suggest. Due to the nature of SCP [REDACTED] it is impossible to contain.

Information: SCP [REDACTED] is one of billions of SCP classified as Quirk barers by the 05 council, a incident which is far beyond containment since 2235 when a incident was born in a hospital in China and the government refused access to SCP personnel until well after the news was spread too far to stop. SCP [REDACTED] is as of their forth birthday shown to at will break any SCP out of containment including themselves, the father of SCP [REDACTED, former scientist in site 79 and now D class member formerly known as Hizashi Midoriya has since brought this to our attention after their son summoned SCP 682 into their camp site in Mustafa's local Forrester area. 682 proceeded to rampage for approximately 12 seconds before being subdued by percussive means by SCP [REDACTED] slapping their snout. By the time a containment team was sent out SCP 682 was docile and sleeping with SCP [REDACTED] by their side treating them like a puppy. Upon resisting the capture of his son, Hizashi was detained and demoted to D class. Subsequent investigation revealed the man planned to try and kill SCP [REDACTED] for having no visible quirk and dumping the body in the woods. It shall be noted at this time SCP [REDACTED] was 5 years of age and more interested in 682 than their father's confession.

SCP [REDACTED] proceeded to escape containment no more than 30 times within the span of a week with no known methods before containment was considered impossible and visitation rights were given by the 05 council for the SCP to come and go as he pleased. Occasionally SCP [REDACTED] is seen bringing through his mother or a blonde male who both seem immune to Amnestics and Memetic kill agents likely due to SCP [REDACTED].

Both individuals are to be considered instances of SCP [REDACTED] 2 and 3 due to this and are not to be harmed after incident A.

Cross testing between SCP [REDACTED] and other SCPs has had varied results. Most of the SCPs will treat him with indifference or ignoring them with a few notable instances showing aggression, fear or affection in certain KETER class SCPs.

Containment notes: SCP [REDACTED] is not to be detained for fear of full scale facility breach and has level 2 clearence to facilities baring the red lake and the seclusion zone in Russia. SCP [REDACTED] is to be kept away from SCPs 173, 999, 106 and 1048 due to violent reactions towards SCP [REDACTED]. Instances of SCPs 939, 682 and 049 are considered SAFE while within approximately 100M of SCP [REDACTED, reasons why are currently unclear and not even 05 council wishes to send people to talk with 682 after the last attempt resulted in a breach.

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