May 23rd Rainy
I slept well last night for the first time in days. I was exhausted after running all day and all night. Kaga keeps staring at me, wondering what he's thinking." I just realized you're about my height"He uttered abruptly this morning.
After lunch, I snuck to the door of their conference room" I will go ahead and spy. You guys ambush, and we will catch them all ..." Kaga was deployed inside.
" You can't go." I immediately opened the door and shouted at him." Sir, you can't go. It's a trap. They knew you were there, and they were feeding you false information so you could fall into the trap."
Several eyes turned to me in unison.
"Are you telling the truth?"
"Absolutely" I nodded.
They hesitated for a moment." Looks like it's more complicated than we thought. Let's go straight to the hard. They are not big scale." Others agreed. Then there was a dead silence.It occurred to me that they must not find out that Pole was a willing member of the group. It they did, they might kill him.
"Let me go."I said, miserably to Kaga." I can go negotiate first. They know me, and maybe we'll cut our losses."Startlingly, as others shook their head decisively at Kaga the subject of the room, in fact all subjects, vanished into air. Among the broken fragments of the last five minutes in the room I remember the candles being lit again, pointlessly, and I was conscious of wanting to look squarely at everyone, and yet to avoid all eyes. I couldn't guess what Kaga was thinking.
To a certain temperament the situation might have seemed intriguing, but my own instinct was to yell at them and ask what were they hesitating about.
"We will lurking in the back, reappearing when something happens."Kaga unexpectedly agreed, and the others, incredulous,tried to argue, but he simply ended the meeting and let each prepare for the next arrangement.
I don't regret it. Kaga has explained everything to me,and I'm ready for the day after tomorrow.

Officer Kaga's diary
May 23rd Rainy
I made a bold decision today. I knew I couldn't stop him. It doesn't matter if I shoot him down, because he will find a way to save his buddy.
Paul, he's just like you back then! Risking your life to save the misguided me. I know how you felt now. I can't pay you back what I owe you, but now I want to help this boy, a boy just like you.
He think his lies are perfect and he want to help Pole cover it up, but now could I, who had been there before, not knowing anything?
Let it go. For once, I want to take Paul's side.

May 25th Foggy
Before Young left, I patted him on the shoulder as heavily as he had patted me from behind.
The air was so polluted that only vague shapes could be seen in the gray fog. I was always sinister.
This is an abandoned harbor of ashes. A fantastic harbor where ashes grow like wheat wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens, where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and, finally, with a transcendent effort, of ash-gray men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air.
But the sound of a sudden shot cut a hole in the silence. We rushed forward, bullets flying in the fog.
We beat the Liberals down and retreated.
The sky suddenly showed a streak of gold. Young's body can finally be seen.
By the time we got there, he had died, A bullet piercing his lung. He just laid there in the ashes, just like pole when he died. Blood dyed half the sky red.
How did they all end up like this? I can't believe Pole is so ruthless. A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on. I want no more riotous excursion with privileged glimpses into the human heart.
It's sharply different from before. Evening is hurried from phase to phase towards its close, in a continually disappointed anticipation or else in sheer nervous dread of the moment itself. I've made up my mind to take strong action against them.
May Young rest in peace.

May 26th Sunny
I was too busy to have lunch today. After all. there are too much to prepare for the battle I dragged some men to bring Young's body back to Macondo and wrote a letter to his mom explaining the situation and my apology.
I am too ashamed to be with his mother, too ashamed to be with Paul. Paul, I realize now how difficult it was for you.
I will take them down.

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