The Beginning And The End

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Ever since Katakuri was a kid, he always knew he was a freak, a monster. Mother always made sure he knew it too.

At first, he wasn't convinced he was one. Because he was just like every other person except for his mouth and his addiction to donuts.

As he gradually began to be aware of his surroundings, he soon noticed the word monster was following him everywhere.

The whispers, the murmurings, the pointings...and he is in the middle of everything. Even if it's so, he still thinks he's the same as everyone.

People feared him and shunned him. Kids cry when they saw him. Teenagers ran away at the sight of him. Adults curse at him. But so what?

It's a given the weak feared the strong. They get beaten up every time they called him a monster straight in his face. So, they sorted to whisper behind his back.

Typical weak-minded but ill-intended people.

So, he's not convinced he's a freak of nature....up until that point.

His dear, dear sister got hurt because of him. Because he's an abnormality. Because he is a monster.

When he found out the people who hurt Brûlée are the same people he beat up a week ago - 

He snaps.

He willingly chooses to become a monster.

He searches for those people and ends them once and for all.

Later, he covered his mouth and became a perfect brother, perfect son, a perfect soldier who protected those people that once called him a monster just so he could protect his siblings.

He successfully protects his hometown island which is filled with bittersweet memories for over 40 years...until he came crushing in his life.

Monkey.D.Luffy is an enigma. He is very easy to understand but at the same time, very very difficult. His motive and ambitions are very crude and simple but they worked every single time.

He knew straw hat luffy is strong after he emerged from two-year hiatus. A pirate from one of the worst generations is naturally strong but they still are immature compared to him.

He already sent countless delusional pirates who have the audacity to challenge mother to after-life.

So, it came as no surprise when straw hat luffy pick up a fight with mother. But, saying he will become a pirate king to one of the yonkos straight in their face...heh, he sure has guts.

Just from looking at the wanted poster alone, he knew straw hat luffy was a simple-minded idiot who came to the new world with a bit of strength and a lot of luck.

'He's a naive fool' Katakuri concluded.

Straw hat luffy came for his nakama, black leg sanji. But he easily got captured by one of his siblings.

Katakuri was left disappointed.

Since he dared to sprout those words to mother, he thought the man would at least, have the necessary strength to put up a good fight. But no. 

And, the straw hat luffy was locked in the cell for good. 

So, it came as a surprise to him when straw hat luffy came crushing to a wedding, literally and figuratively.

Straw hat luffy won the fight with him, with surprisingly wit, strength and sheer fucking will.

Katakuri knew by then, straw hat luffy was a charismatic mad man. He made people unconsciously want to follow him, no matter heaven or hell.

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