22: Mother's Love

Start from the beginning

Raya raised a brow and said, "Why?"

"I just have to...please."

The guards got even closer to Raya and said, "We have no interests in what you want to say to the princess but we will not be leaving her side."

The male sighed and said, "My name is Isamu. I want to speak with you regarding what happened with Chief Jiro."

Raya felt her heart stop and she said, "I- I don't want to speak with you about that."

"I know it must be hard to talk about but I have to."

"The princess said 'no'. Now please leave from her presence." said a voice. Raya turned around to see Vashi. 

Isamu got a little nervous and backed away a bit, feeling intimidated by the Prince.

"Your majesty...please..."

"Why are you so desperate for something that has nothing to do with you?" asked Vashi, gently taking Raya's hand in a defensive way.

"It does. It weighs on my conscience and I need to admit something to you that I know." 

Raya was shocked and Vashi likewise. She took a deep breath and said, "Guards, arrest this man and keep an eye on him."

The guards left with him and most persons around saw what was going on and Vashi said, "You okay?"

Raya nodded yes and said, "No...I just want to see mom..."

"I know. Let's get ready to leave."

Just as they were headed into the palace, they saw Pengu and he said, "Good morning royalties! I have great news for you."

"Hey Pengu, what's going on?" asked Raya.

"Your mother is here."

Raya gasped and said, "Where?"

"In the forest near the bridge. I convinced her to come into the lands of Heart. She's waiting on you."

Raya smiled and she headed to the forest. Vashi smiled at her as she went there and Pengu said, "Not going with her?"

"Let them get their moment to reunite. I'll head there soon."


Raya slowly entered the woods and her heartbeat accelerated. She then saw her mother in the distance and tears flooded her eyes. "Mom?" she said softly.

Adira turned around and smiled at her. She then began to make her way to her daughter. Tears also streamed from her eyes and she said, "Raya, my beautiful daughter."

Raya broke down in tears as she ran to her mother and embraced her. She wanted this moment for so long. She felt so relieved that she's finally reunited with her mother. "M-mom I really mi-missed you." said Raya through her tears.

"I know darling, I missed you too. And you've grown into the kind of young woman I hoped for from the moment you were born."

"I- I love you mom." Said Raya.

"I love you too babygirl."

Raya stayed in her mother's arms and felt her love radiating from her. When they finally pulled away, Adira got to fully examine Raya and she smiled at her. "I won't stop emphasizing how beautiful you are, my darling." 

"It comes from you, mom." replied Raya tenderly.

Adira has never felt happier and more relieved in her life. She embraced Raya again then said, "There's so much we have to talk about darling."

"Before you get into it mom... I- I can't thank you enough for saving me. You really saved my life."

Adira smiled and said, "You're my daughter. You don't have to thank me. But I need to know all that he did to you dearest. Tell me everything."

"But mom it's...it's really hard to talk about."

"I know Raya. But I still need to know. At least list everything to me if you don't want to recall the entire predicament." said Adira.

Raya took a deep breath and said, "He...hit me, punched me in the face, forced me to have oral sex with him, fingered me, aggressively fondled me...and almost had actual sex with me... "

Tears ran down Raya's cheek as she recalled her traumatic experience. Adira wiped away her tears and then sighed. "No way can such a man stay alive. He won't. And this should be a public execution. I'll need to speak with your father about a meeting that should be held regarding all that happened to you. You will not be victim that stays quiet. Your perpetrator will suffer greatly and we must make an example out of him."

Raya hugged Adira and said softly, "I still can't believe that you're actually here mom...I never thought I'd ever reunite with you. I love you, I love you so incredibly much."

Adira held Raya tighter and said, "I'll be here for you sweetheart."

They settled in a comfortable silence for a while and then Adira said, "So aside from all this...how have you been dear?"

"Well before Vashi came here, I kept having these...visions. He communicated with me through telepathy and also, was that how you were able to find me?" asked Raya.

"I have the ability to feel strong emotions. You're my daughter and even before Vashi told me you were at the camp, I felt this urge inside me. And then when he mentioned that you weren't there, that when I knew for sure something was wrong. I trusted my instinct and focused on you. That's how I found you." explained Adira.

"Okay mom."

"So I'm curious. Has your father been suggesting any partners for you?"

"No but I...I'm sort of with someone." replied Raya while blushing.

Adira smiled at her and said, "Well who is that lucky man?"

"Actually...it's not a man."

Adira gasped and said, "It's a woman?"

Raya looked away, her cheeks red and nodded yes.

"That's amazing! I can't wait to meet her. Hmm but is everything okay dear? I can tell that you're uneasy about something."

"I'm just a little weak. I woke with nausea and because of it I haven't eaten anything."

"Is this constant?"

"Just since what happened with Jiro..."

Adira looked very upset and then she said, "Oh I'm so going to eff up that son of a bitch."

Adira knew exactly what Raya would be experiencing and it made her very upset. Raya didn't respond and Adira said, "Sorry about my rage darling. But I need to see your father now."

"Would you like for me to get him?" asked Raya.

"Yes. I'll be waiting here."

"Okay mom."

Something is amiss...more updates soon!

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