"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing." I fleshed a fake smile at her and made our way.


We continued having our conversation before shortly arriving to my house.

"You really don't think so!?" She wined getting out and shutting the car door.

"I guess they look cute but they also look like a teen. I'm not trying to catch a case." I rolled my eyes and unlock my door.

She brought up how she thought the fox contestant, Holli? Was attractive.

"I bet they're the same age as me." She concluded and walked through the door.

Ash plopped herself on the couch right away and turned on the TV.

I took off my jacket and toss it on to my bed from the hallway and roll up my sleeves heading into the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?"

Ash looked at me from the couch and and thought for a moment. "Have any bagels?"


"Well then that please."


We silently eat our food watching the TV, Ash was staring at me the whole time. After a few more minutes it started to creep me out.

Finally I turn to her, "what!?"

Her face just grows into a huge cheeky grin. "Text him."

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"Text Moon." She says bluntly with her smile still on her face.

"Wait wha-!? Now why the HELL would I do that!?" I squeak out in suprises.

"Nnaahgggggg! You guys are so into each other whenever you guys are together it's like 'uhg make out already' but you don't make moves." She nagged putting her paws on her eyes.

"So into each other!? We just met a few days ago!"

"My point still stands completely!"

"No, no it doesn't." I deadpanned.

She pulled out her phone and gave me a smirk.

"Ash.... what are you doing?" I ask sceptical.

"Calling Johnny. He'll talk some sense into you~" she cood.

"WHAT!? You can't TELL people about this!"

"Too late!" I heard the phone dial before someone picked up.

"Hello? What's up?" I heard Johnny's voice through the phone.

I tried to snatch it from her hands but she kicked me back and landed on the couch again.

"Mr. Moon gave Y/N his number!" She spat out quickly.

"Wai.. WHAT? like as in...?"

She let out a heavy exaggerated sigh before speaking back into her phone, "noooo~ apparently not according to Y/N."

"GUYS! Two days! I've known him for TWO DAYS!" I repeat myself more firm.

"Ugh. Your so boringgggg."

"Agreed." They both lightly tease me.

Ash stayed on call with Johnny for the rest of the time until I took her home. Why am I friends with her again...?


It's been four days now. I've been going to the moon theater to practice every day at the times Mr. Mo- Buster gave to me.

We weren't exactly friends quite yet but I feel closer to him then some of the contestants.

We talk quite a bit and I suppose most the time I practice no other people are there because they have different schedules. This means Buster is with me the full time instead of checking up on multiple people. Well, except for when Mrs. Crawley needs him.

Sometimes I wander if he did that on purpose. But I mean obviously not, the other contestants just didn't want to come in so late... probably.


Uhhhhggggg it's 7:18 in the morning rn and I haven't slept in two days :')

Bye love you <3

Buster moon x Masc Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें