Chapter 1

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          I had just finished a day of work and now on my way home. I felt very exhausted. You must be wondering, what do you do for a job? Well, I clean people's houses, more specifically depression houses or houses where a suicide or murder happened, or normal messy houses. The suicide and murder houses are much more rare because not many people call my company they chose more big companies. Most of the time I just clean big houses that usually the owner is never home to take care of and houses of people who are depressed and didn't have motivation to clean so it's very dirty.

          But I'm not complaining because believe or not I make quite a bit of money for just cleaning. Anyways, today I cleaned 2 houses one being a house for a famous volleyball player, what was his name again? OH yeah it was someone named Hinata Shoyo, yeah it was pretty messy. Especially his bathroom... ha.. Ha... And the second house was for someone who passed away, the family wanted it deep cleaned because the person who passed was very old and lived alone so they couldn't really clean. Just for cleaning those today I got a total of around $1200. Pretty good!

          Oh, I totally forgot to introduce myself. I'm Hikaru Akasuki. My surname is Hikaru, which means light, radiance. My first name, Akasuki, means bright helper. Kinda funny considering what I do for my job.

          Anyways enough of that it seems I rolled up into my driveway. I grabbed my stuff and got out. I unlocked my door and was greeted by my adorable puppy named Akira. She is a Tamaskan. I also have a black cat named Star, which I had longer than Akira. They both get along so well, they love playing and cuddling together.

          I take my shoes off and get to my room, Star is already laying on my bed and when I walk in Akira jumps on her by accident and startles her. I just chuckle and then sigh. I grab my clothes and go to my bathroom that's in my room, close the door and start the shower.

Meanwhile Shoyo just got home and is surprised with how clean his house is.

"I'm telling you guys it's like this house isn't mine. When I looked around I literally thought I went into the wrong house."

"How? The keys wouldn't have worked if it wasn't your house..." Sakusa Kiyoomi replied sarcastically.

"Well, let's facetime so we can see." Atsumu suggested. Sakusa just sighed and said, "Fine."

They clicked the facetime and everyone went to that call. Sakusa was the only one that turned his camera off. But he didn't care.

"Sakusaaaaaa..... Why'd you turn off your cameraaaaaaa.." Bokuto complained.

"Because." he replied.

"Ok! I'm turning my camera around now!" Hinata said and turned his camera and started showing them his house. Sakusa was pleasantly surprised it was very clean, but then again this was on a camera and it could still be pretty dirty.

"WOW!! That is SOO clean! I gotta come over tomorrow to see for myself, so don't mess up your house." Atsumu said while putting his phone very close to his face. Bokuto agreed, screaming "I AGREE!!!!!!!!!" hurting Sakusa's ears.

"Ok, everyone can come over. I'll make sure to keep it looking like this. I'll definitely be hiring the person who cleaned it again." Hinata said happily.

Sakusa sighed, "I'm getting off now, I wanna get sleep so I'm not tired at practice tomorrow." Everyone said goodbye to him and he got off the call.

He fell asleep thinking "They definitely don't clean as well as me though. Right?"

          While Sakusa was falling asleep Akasuki was cleaning the cat and dog bowls so that her animals would have clean bowls tomorrow. She also started cleaning her counters. After finishing the counters she had to stop herself from going into a cleaning frenzy and clean the whole house all night, and that happened before, she had to reschedule the houses she was supposed to clean to another day because she didn't get any sleep.

          The difference between her and Sakusa is that one cleans because they're a germaphobe and the other cleans because it's fun and satisfying to them.

Ms. Clean (Sakusa Kiyoomi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now