Chapter 45: Умная Девочка

Start from the beginning

'What happened to Wanda's Vision?'


Something warm drips down my hand onto my fingers. My brows come together as I look down, finding a large cut in the palm of my hand, deep enough to cause enough bleeding but not deep enough for stitches. I switch the knife into my other hand and wipe them off on my pants, ignoring the pain coming from the open wound. It's cold in the building. But I'm not shivering.

"Волшебница," A stern voice finds its way into my ears. My eyes immediately dart toward him, awaiting his next instruction. "Где он?" He asks, holding a small handgun at his side.
**"Sorceress,"... "Where is he?"**

My eyes slowly glance at the bedroom door, knowing who's behind it. "Он должен быть там," I respond, my voice flat.
**"He should be in there,"**

"Умная девочка." He remarks."Вы знаете, что сделать," he hisses. I drop the knife on the ground making a thud loud enough to wake him.
**"Smart girl." ... "You know what to do,"**

I remain silent, listening for any movement coming from the bedroom. Listening for any sign of life. My ears perk up when I hear a slight creak in the floor. I bring my hands up from my sides, circling them before pushing them at the door, forcing it open. There he stands, eyes wide and vulnerable.

"Nadya?" He asks, a dumbfounded expression on his face. "What- What's wrong?"

I tilt my head at him before closing my eyes for just a moment. I open them to find myself directly behind him. Before he can turn to face me, I raise my hand to his head. Twisting and turning my fingers and watching the blue energy come from my hands and disappear into the skin of his temple. He freezes, just like I had wanted him to. "Солдат." I step around him to face him, his eyes now glowing a frigid blue. "Мне нужно кое-что от тебя."
**"Soldier." ... "I need something from you."**

I snap my fingers twice, letting my father know it's clear to enter the room. I hear his footsteps muddling in behind me. He's very loud. "Ты это сделал?" He asks. I glance at him and nod. This gives him a sense of satisfaction. Though I can't hear his thoughts, I can tell by the way he's smiling he's feeling proud.
**"Did you do it?"**

I blink a few times, waiting for my next instructions. The soldier continues to stare at me. In a moment of anger, I squint my eyes, feeling myself dig into his memories. Finding the night he murdered my mother and brother. I smile to myself as beads of sweat begin to pool down his forehead, reliving the night over and over again.

"Хватит ваших игр!" He hisses, making me lose my concentration, therefore, giving the soldier the relief he does not deserve. "Получите то, за чем мы пришли. У нас нет времени на такие детские манеры." His words come out in a condescending demand. Yet, I can't do anything to show my irritation. I'm not to hurt him.
**"Enough of your games!" ... "Get what we came for. We have no time for childish manners such as this."**

"Солдат," I say, regaining his attention. "Какие коды входа в здание?" I hold my glare as he recites every code, every security alarm, every way to get into the building. Giving the precious information to my father.
**"Soldier," ... "What are the entry codes to the building?"**

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