Chapter Three: The incident

Start from the beginning

"But-" she was about to speak but the car had already started up and then it left up the road.

Henry smiled and shrugged, "guess you're stuck with me then." He said and started to lead his way up to the school even though he'd never even been there before as far as she knew.

Nellie rolled her eyes and then turned to him, "I guess I am." She said and then followed on after him but soon they both did get talking.

"Your mother seems nice, is she nice?" He asked her: kicking the stones on the pavement as he walked.

She sighed, "some of the time but parents can be a nightmare. They never understand anything and I'm tired of it."

The boy stopped in his tracks and turned to her, "oh really? I agree I mean my parents are a waste of space and if I could I'd get rid of them. I hate them."

Nellie almost looked shocked, "hate is a strong word and I wouldn't go that far but I guess I don't know your situation do I." She said, heading into the woods. "I hate this place.." she mumbled but when she got no reply she turned around to see what had happened but he was gone. He'd just vanished...

"Henry?" She questioned, looking around frantically.  "HENRY!?"

"Boo!" Someone shouted, startling her, before they burst into laughter.

Nellie looked up, one hand on her heart as it continued to race faster than normal. "Are you stupid!?" She shouted in annoyance, taking a deep breath and shaking her head. "That's not funny!"

Henry's face dropped, "it's only a joke."

"Yeah well you didn't seem like the joke type.." she muttered but then smiled. "You laughed as well;  I didn't think you were capable of that either."

He looked almost saddened by her reaction at first but then grinned, "I don't laugh much but I like you, no one else has put up with me for this long before." He explained.

Nellie chuckled, "what 2 days?" she said but then realised he was being serious and sighed. "Yeah well, I suppose you're alright ish but you still are a bit strange in the nicest way possible."

Henry thought about what she'd said and then nodded slowly, "I'll take it if it's in a nice way I guess. You must be pretty strange to even be talking to me anyway."

"It's what friends do isn't it?" She asked.

"Friends?" Henry questioned almost looking as if he'd never heard of the word before.

"Yes, Henry Creel. I consider you my friend I suppose." She said proudly.

"Well then Nellie Brown, I suppose so do I but in order to be friends we have to make a promise." He decided.

She wasn't too sure about this promise malarkey. I mean don't get me wrong she could keep
Promises easy but she didn't know whether to trust him yet. course, she'd said they were friends but she still couldn't figure him out and she knew there was something he wasn't telling her but she wasn't telling him about her situation either so she gathered it wasn't just him.

"I suppose so but what will this promise be?" she asked curiously.

Henry smirked when she seemed to agree with the idea, "Well our promise is going to be that we must always have each other's back no matter what and if one of us breaks it then they'll regret it I suppose?"

The 'they'll regret it.' seemed to send a small shiver down her spine and played at her mind but she nodded and then spoke. "I promise." She said and shook his hand.

After that, the two headed off to school and the day played as normal. They were both in different classes since Henry was a little older than Nellie but by the end of the day they'd headed back home together and it had all seemed fine. For once Nellie hadn't hated school half as much as she usually did and she finally felt happy when returning home. That was until she'd been called to the living room by her parents. Something about a letter?

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