chapter four

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Izuku arrived in Japan late that night. His "dad" Aizawa Shouta had picked him up without his adopted son and husband Hizashi. Shouta said that Izuku would meet them when they got home. The car ride home was silent and awkward, so Izuku had put in his airpods and listened to his favorite metal playlist that reminded him of Xavier.

When Shouta had first looked at Izuku, Izuku looked terrible, he had eyebags that rivaled Shouta's. Izuku looked emotionless and tired, he was dressed in comfy plaid pajama bottoms and a black hoodie with some American band name Shouta knew nothing about. Izuku had on black hightop converse with beads on the laces.

Izuku was decked out in all his piercings, black finger nail polish with a few chunky silver rings. Izuku looked unbothered but something told Shouta that Izuku was holding in a lot of anger.
Izuku hadn't spoken a word to Shouta after he had introduced himself.

Soon they arrived at their house and Shouta had helped Izuku with his bags. And soon introduced himself to Hizashi and Hitoshi. As soon as Hizashi called Izuku little listener Izuku recognized him as the pro hero Present Mic.

"Look I'm not one of your listeners, my names Midoriya to you until you gain my trust. Can you show me my room or not?" Izuku replied crossing his arms.

Hizashi nodded silently as if Izuku had hurt his feelings but Hizashi had understood where Izuku was coming from. He just moved away from his friends and mom, so he couldn't really say anything. Hizashi showed him his room as Hitoshi helped with his luggage.

"Do you need help or anything?" Hitoshi asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Nah I'm good, thanks though." Izuku replied as he shut the door in Hitoshi's face. Hitoshi rolled his eyes and walked back to the kitchen with his dads.

"Why is he so freaking mean? He just slammed the door in my face." Hitoshi grumbled as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"Hitoshi, he just moved countries away from his mom and friends, he'll warm up. Just give him some time, now finish your food and head to bed." Shouta explained tiredly rubbing his eyes.

Hitoshi finished his plate of food and headed off to bed. His bedroom was right next to Midoriya's, Hitoshi heard muffled music and the sound of Midoriya crying. Hitoshi felt horrible for him, he'd hate moving away from his dads.

Izuku was huddled into his new blankets with his squishmellows he had airsealed for packing. He angrily cried into his favorite squishmellow bat and played his sad music playlist. He was nervous about tomorrow and the rules that Shouta had said there would be.

He needed some air, and his vape he had stolen from a corner store Shouta had taken him to to get something to drink for the long car ride. He opened the window and vaped while listening to his music all while still crying.

He absolutely hated this, tomorrow he had to go through rules of the house and go shopping for his room. That meant he didn't have any time to visit his new gang, or kacchan. But he would worry about all that stuff later, right now he needed sleep. He fell onto his twin size bed and fell asleep without a full meal.

Aizawa and Hizashi were talking when Hitoshi asked, "So why Midoriya here? Like I know that you have to take care of him since his mom can't. But whats the real reason? When you guys talked about the reason, I felt like you were leaving out something.."

"Well his mom said he was coming home with blood all over him, some wasn't his but a lot of it was his. He would get into fights with his pears in school. And his mom was worried he's involved in a gang." Aizawa said explaining some then Hizashi helped explain

"Inko wanted to get him away from all the gangs and fights. So he's here where we can watch him, Inko works all the time and can't keep an eye on him." Hizashi explained.

"Oh.. well thank you, and that's gonna be hard if he goes looking for a fight pops." Hitoshi said nervously

"You're right, so thats why you're also going to keep an eye on him. If he hurts himself or someone else please come talk to us." Aizawa said ruffling Hitoshi's hair.

"Okay dad, I will. And thanks for telling me..."

"You're welcome kid, now go get some sleep." Hizashi said giving Hitoshi a kiss on the forehead. They all went to sleep, but not before Aizawa checked on Izuku. Once he knew he was safe asleep he followed his husband to bed.

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