Love-struck - Chapter 4

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"No..." whispered Y/N, shaking her head. "I don't want to do this."

"Come on now sweetheart. We've talked about this for years and you know why we have to do this," crooned her mother. "This is a good thing! I think you're strong enough to handle this magic. Such a clever little girl you are."

Her heart raced and a vice clamped hard around her lungs as panic surged through her body, preparing her to run. "I don't want to do this!"

Her mother shot up, sending her chair flying backwards, and stormed over to Y/N before she could move. The furious woman grabbed Y/N's wrist firmly and dragged her to the bathroom where she swung open the door and shoved her daughter inside. Pain shot through Y/N's knees as she tripped and fell to the cold, stone ground, grabbing onto the sink to soften the impact. "If you don't do this, we won't be able to stop Zeref!" her mother shrieked. "If he rises, he will destroy everything and kill us all! Is that what you want? Is it?"

Her face soaked with tears, Y/N shook her head and gingerly hoisted herself up. "You said this could be dangerous!"

The woman's expression softened slightly and she took a small step forward. "This is a risk we have to take."

Sensing the opportunity, Y/N lurched towards the door, screaming in protest. Her mother swung the black book and slapped Y/N across the face with it, hard enough to knock her daughter to the ground again. For a moment, Y/N's mother stared at her daughter lying propped up against the bathtub glaring at her, and tears stung her eyes as conflict bubbled inside her. She gently placed the book on the edge of the sink and hurried outside the room, locking the door behind her and wishing Y/N luck.

Rushing to her feet, Y/N banged against the door, screaming and pleading until her fist went numb, and her vocal cords grew too raw to make more than a whimper. She stepped back and wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her dress. Forcing herself to inhale slowly and deeply, the cool air that filled her lungs cleared her mind as she built up the limited magic energy flowing inside her. Staring ferociously at the door, white sparks violently danced around her, glowing brighter and filling the windowless, dark room with vibrant flickering light. She raised her palms and electric energy shot up her arms and surged towards the entrance. She stood frozen, feeling completely helpless as the energy fizzled out before reaching the door, plunging her into darkness once again. All her energy dissipated and she perched on the edge of the bathtub. Eventually, she felt around in the dark, searching for candles and matches from the cabinet underneath the sink. Accepting defeat, Y/N lit a candle and began to read the black book.

Just before Y/N reached the last page, an aggressive commotion in the kitchen interrupted her. She snapped the book shut, cast it aside and pressed her ear against the door, her heart pounding in her chest. Her father was bellowing indistinctly at her mother, who wailed apologies while standing near the bathroom. As the argument reached its crescendo, Y/N heard a muffled thud, followed by a sickening silence. She shivered and strained her ears, her breath catching painfully in her chest, leaving her head swimming. Hurried footsteps charged towards the door and Y/N leapt away from the entrance. A heavy key turned in the keyhole, releasing the lock with an echoing click. The door slowly creaked open. Faint candlelight poured into the bathroom, revealing her mother's figure looming in the doorway. She rushed towards Y/N, embraced her tightly and ran her clammy hands through her daughter's hair. Y/N could hear the panicked woman's racing heart and haggard breathing, and, feeling sick with suspense, she pulled away and held her mother at arm's length.

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