Chapter 13 : Saliva *Smut*

Start from the beginning

"Mike. Oh my god. Mike!" A girl said while running towards him and giving him a hug. "I was so worried about you."

"Yea, uh... me, too" He replied. The girl then looked over at Eleven. "Is that my dress?"

"Long story, we need to explain what's going on." Mike replied before walking inside house. They all sat down, facing each other in a table. "This is Y-n, Peter and Eleven. Guys, this is Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce and Chief."

"Ok, so, in this example, we're the acrobat. Will and Barbara, and that monster, they're this flea. And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space." Mike explained.

"A gate." Dustin continued.

"That we tracked to Hawkins lab." Lucas concluded.

'With our compasses." Dustin said. "Okay, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that change the directions of a compass needle."

"Is this gate underground?" The chief asked.

"Yes," Eleven replied.

"Near a large water tank?" He continued.

"Yes," Eleven said.

"Where is it specifically?" Peter asked. "How come do you know about it and I don't?"

"Papa said, secret." Eleven replied.

"Why would Papa hide that... From us?" Y-n said.

"Papa... What is this, are you all siblings...?" The chief asked.

"It's complicated, but for short, we were on this project all together, we all have weird abilities and, we escaped from that lab not long ago." Peter explained.

"Wait.. But how do you know all that? The gate?" Dustin asked.

"He's seen it!" Mike replied. The woman spoke for the first time.

"Is there any way that you could...That you could reach Will? That you talk to him in this--"

"The Upside Down." Eleven said.

"Down. Yeah." Joyce said. Eleven nodded.

"And my friend Barbara.. Can you find her, too? The girl asked. Eleven nodded. Mike brought a radio, and placed it on the table.

"Can we have two pictures.. One of Barbara.. and the other one of... Will?" Y-n asked.

"Yes of course sweetheart," the women said. They were placed on the table and eleven looked at the pictures for few seconds. Eleven then closed her eyes. The static of the radio got louder, and the lights started flickering. Eleven opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Can't find them." She said. The women looked devastated. Eleven got up "Bathroom...?" She asked.

"The door on your left." The girl replied. Y-n sighed. Maybe she could try, but she had never done this before. She had found people in the same building, but not in different worlds or dimensions.

"Maybe she is tired and that makes her weak." Mike said.

"Yeah, hey Y-n are you tired?" Dustin asked.

"No.. Not really.." Y-n replied.

"I mean, Y-n flipped a van earlier to protect us." Lucas said.

"Wait, why don't you guys try to find them?" Mike asked.

"I don't know how... I've never done this before." Y-n replied.

"Neither did I," Peter replied frankly. "Maybe our abilities are different. Y-n has defensive abilities, I can attack easily...Eleven must be able to find anyone she wants, no matter their locations...Even if they are in other dimensions."

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